Crushing Thirties
Exterminatus Now may be basically over, but it’s not forgotten. debró on twitter alerted us to their part in the art and animation for this song and, well. I’ll let you guys spot the amazing easter eggs.

Exterminatus Now may be basically over, but it’s not forgotten. debró on twitter alerted us to their part in the art and animation for this song and, well. I’ll let you guys spot the amazing easter eggs.
We had a bit of a technical mishap and the site went down for a few days. Apologies for anybody who felt the urge to browse the archive in the past couple weeks and couldn’t, and thanks to the people who brought it to my attention. Service has been restored.
Carry on, citizens. :)
I went back and forth over whether to produce this script. It was originally written as a cliff-hangery epilogue for “Tangled Web”, before deciding to pack it in. There was never any story written for a Morth/Vitani alliance, we just thought that would be fun. Now, with no resolution forthcoming it may seem a bit of a tease, but I liked the implication that Eastwood and crew’s adventures and perils go on. Plus, we get to see Silas one last time.
So, I have a semi-complete script for an epilogue comic involving the actual protagonists. I’d like to hope it won’t be as long a gap, but um, no promises.
Oh. Hey guys. Long time no anything.
Let’s face it, I stopped doing it for a reason. Once stopped, it was hard to start up again. But! I got most of the way done with the first epilogue! Then I put it on hold to work on the above because we’re heading to Calgary this weekend. Just letting you know I didn’t die yet. Certainly shouldn’t be another eight months before the next update. Like I said, mostly done.
The wife and I ran through Gravity Falls in the past few weeks. Best animated show since Last Airbender? I don’t watch a lot of TV, I’m sure there’s more good stuff out there (yes yes, I keep meaning to get into Rick and Morty). Like Airbender, I think it pulls a similar trick of endearing you to the characters by being hilarious and charming in the monster-of-the-week episodes, and then once you’re thoroughly invested, ups the stakes and drops the crazy awesome mytharc eps. I let it play a second time through in the background while working on this, and all the little call-forwards and foreshadowing bits are delicious.
It also hits a similar vein of what we strived for with Exterminatus Now, straddling paranormal horror themes and goofy comedy turns. The episode “Roadside Attraction” struck a very familiar chord. Some of the gags are near-identical!
I wanted a fanart piece to tell a bit of story, and to include a creature of existing paranormal folklore that was never mentioned in the show. Oregon might be a bit far north for this beast’s usual range, but Soos might know it as… El Chupacabra, dawg!
My DeviantArt for more art at higher resomolutions
Perfectly Chaotic’s Facebook
Calgary Expo Exhibitors Page
And that, dear reader, will about do it. Sorry this one took so long. Fact is, many of the climactic scenes of Tangled Web have been quite clear in my head for several years, but this bit was still kind of foggy. Still not entirely happy with it, but fuck it! I’m out!
As noted last time, I’d like to come back and publish an epilogue, and then a final send off. But that will probably be October. I want to take a couple weeks to do nothing, play some games, go on vacation. Then I’ll do some prep work for the Edmonton Expo (which is 25th-27th September, Artist Alley B6). To stay abreast of the updates, follow Perfectly Chaotic on Facebook.
Maybe I’ll have more to say later. Now I’ma play some Kerbal.
To address concerns in the comments: relax guys. We got one more to wrap up the arc. I want to do an epilogue, and a strip or two to ride off into the sunset, but that will probably be a couple months down the line.
T-shirt purchasers: We’re having trouble contacting a few people for payment. If you’ve received an invoice, please pay it soon. If you need more time, or want to cancel, that’s fine, just let us know. If you filled out an order form and haven’t heard from us at all, perhaps our emails aren’t reaching you, so contact us at
T-SHIRT PURCHASERS: Please check your spam folders! We’re still waiting on one or two payments, so if you haven’t heard from us, please check that your junk filter hasn’t eaten the invoice.
To reiterate:
Thanks for the great turnout on the shirt sales! They are very nearly all gone: just one or two Blasphemy XL/2XLs left. Jessica’s been hard at work invoicing, organising the packages, and shipping em out – thanks hon, you’re the best. They’ve gone out in batches, some of you probably received them already, but we have to apologise for a delay on mailing out larger packets (if you ordered three XLs, two XXLs, or more). We’re supposed to have some larger poly bags coming in the mail, but they still haven’t turned up. Such orders will be shipped as soon as we have something to cram em into.
P.S. Dammit, Chiscringle. You ruined everything. ;)
T-SHIRT PURCHASERS: Please check your spam folders! We’re still waiting on one or two payments, so if you haven’t heard from us, please check that your junk filter hasn’t eaten the invoice.
Quick update to say thanks for the great turnout on the shirt sales! They are very nearly all gone: just some Blasphemy XL/2XLs left. Jessica’s been hard at work invoicing, organising the packages, and shipping em out – thanks hon, you’re the best. They’ve gone out in batches, some of you probably received them already, but we have to apologise for a delay on mailing out larger packets (if you ordered three XLs, two XXLs, or more). We’re supposed to have some larger poly bags coming in the mail, but they still haven’t turned up. Such orders will be shipped as soon as we have something to cram em into.
Hoping to get a new comic done over the weekend. It has not been a productive time otherwise.
EN Merch Clearance Event!
Order now!
EN never had much merch, least of all online. The printed version of “Bookend of Unimaginable Power” (the second Morth story) is available print-on-demand here. Aside from that it was shirts and knick-knacks at conventions, and I have a bit of that stuff still lying around. So let’s clear out Virus’s closet!
There are three t-shirt designs, in limited numbers of M/L/XL/2XL. No Small, sorry! First come, first serve on sizing, and they won’t be reprinted.
Pricing’s in Canadian Dollars, which are pretty weak at time of writing, so international buyers can scoop em up at less than US$15, less than €13, and well under £10, plus shipping. Worldwide shipping can be pricey, so we’ve included a slower, but cheaper surface mail option.
Here’s the deal: the first dozen orders of one or more shirts will also include a mini merch bundle consisting of:
Not super exciting stuff, but it’ll never be printed again. Nice souvenir from our time here? And I’ll sign anything you request. And as a $5 add-on I’ll do a quick marker sketch of an EN character of your choosing.
I only have a dozen full sets. Orders after that, I’ll be out of bookmarks. Then Blasphemy buttons. Orders will just include whatever’s left. And so on, until it’s gone.
Click here to fill out the order form. We’ll take payment separately, by Paypal or by Square invoice. More than two or three shirts may incur extra shipping, especially at larger sizes. We’ll let you know before payment. Questions? Email
Thanks guys! Oh, and I hope you enjoy the comic this week. Been looking forward to this one for years.
I work every third Saturday, and that short weekend really throws off my comicking. Seems like I’m managing 3 comics in 4 weeks, then.
Arkham Knight comes out on Tuesday. I have been riding the Hypemobile all over Gotham City, you guys. I’m as giddy as a young Bruce Wayne who’s parents aren’t dead. But I shall not install it until Tangled Web is done. Because I’m the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Thanks for all the kind words in the last strip’s comments. I’m really glad we could provide some laughs these dozen years. I’m planning on selling off a bit of EN merch I have left lying around, as a last hurrah. Would you be up for that? News on that next week.