#505 – Theist In A Foxhole
June 21st, 2015 |
I work every third Saturday, and that short weekend really throws off my comicking. Seems like I’m managing 3 comics in 4 weeks, then.
Arkham Knight comes out on Tuesday. I have been riding the Hypemobile all over Gotham City, you guys. I’m as giddy as a young Bruce Wayne who’s parents aren’t dead. But I shall not install it until Tangled Web is done. Because I’m the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Thanks for all the kind words in the last strip’s comments. I’m really glad we could provide some laughs these dozen years. I’m planning on selling off a bit of EN merch I have left lying around, as a last hurrah. Would you be up for that? News on that next week.

Did Tyrus just roll a 1? Help from on high for Eastwood, after doing whatever it is he did at that all girls school? Almost like EN’s world is ending. Almost. Yes, almost.
Wait a minute…
And then the B-Team lands their ship on them like they did to the dude in the beginning of the chapter? Nah. But that’d be pretty great to see at least.
It’s the bell! Hooray I called it!
Also, I think at this point Tyrus is more pissed at the demon princess that has gone unpunished for a thousand years and just corrupted his church more than thenough idiot who is praying on a forlorn hope. He knows Eastwood isn’t a true follower but this is an opportunity he’said not going to pass up.
Sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel is just the lights of the on coming train heading towards you.
Hmm. If there’s no cowcatcher on that train, then they could probably duck along the tracks and let it pass over them.
Vitani? Not so much!
Also, I suspect a gunship, or VERY quickly dispatched Tyrusian Intervention. Soooo… either way, things are gonna get both awesome and more hilarious.
Which is the way of Exterminatus Now.
about the merch, any large EN t-shirts left?
Presumably remaining stock will be one of the things to be discussed in next week’s post.
Hi, Virtue. I’m “the missus” previoisly mentioned on other posts. Yes, we do have size large, but as mentioned next week, there will be limited quantities. Stay tuned for more info!
thanks :)
It might be the moon ray passing through the glass bell, which will burn Vitani like a magnifying glass burns ants.
either Tyrus is pissed at that demon princess and his going to act, or it’s something else…but i am sure as hell he’s not helping Eastwood….(who wants to help a asshole like him anyways…)
He has a freezer full o ice-cream that is guarded by a robo-chicken that can make turrets.
I’d help him just to get to that ice-cream.
Well, aside from Zuviel, I think agent Jamilla might be inclined to haul his sorry arse out of the fire.
Save us Tyrell !
i’ll take anything over the situation at hang….oh god the b team is taken credit for this…. i’m going home.
Yes! New comic!
God interrepture? That will for sure leave space for many possible outcomes in next week’s chapter.
*points out hand out of crowd* EN merchandise? Sounds great
If it is Tyrus how much you wanna bet he gets swatted?
Funny enough, I was watching Mad Jack the Pirate on YouTube a few days ago, and the last panel reminds me of a great gag from one episode…
“Calm down and head toward the light.”
“… Wait a minute. That’s not light, it’s… it’s fire…!”
*cut to a shot of a grinning devil waving airplane landing beacons*
“But if you’re up there, please save me Superman!”
I like how Virus and the Demon Prince can have a conversation in the middle of the fight. Its like she set that fire up for that particular purpose… wait-a-minute… Also we haven’t seen an Astartes equivalent yet, those are eagerly anticipated.
*Princess, not that it matters much.
And no space marines in EN as far as we know.
The sly dog got her monologuing!
No Space Marines. Contrary to popular belief, EN doesn’t have much in common with 40K beyond gods and daemons. I guess Lothar is the closest you’ll get in terms of genetically engineered super soldiers.
And the Inquisition if ya wanna nitpick.
Anywho, just wanted to say I’ve loved this comic since I discovered it roughly 6 years ago. Sorry to see it end, but I’ve enjoyed the ride. Thanks Exterminatus-Now Team!
I love her oh-no-you-didn’t gesture.
Perhaps Morth is about to pull a Jack Spicer. “If I can’t rule the world, no one can!” I’m also rooting for that winged knowledge spirit Lothar mouthed off to that one time.
I’m imagining the Exterminatus being enacted as we speak, and that’s the light that is about to save Eastwood from being forced to…. perform for Vitani.
Hmm perhaps they just should have told Eastwood she’s going to take his coffee away… of course then I would almost feel sorry for the unholy abomination.
Angel showing up, perhaps? Would make sense, the Gods have been kinda…. idle lately.
Frame 7 is probably one of the greatest works on Eastwood’s facial expressions I’ve seen in all my… 9 years reading this web series.
Also, thats got to be a bell or some strange relic hidden in the bell tower, that or the Gods found it too funny to leave East hanging after he finally started praying.
The last three panels with Eastwood’s expressions just perfectly sum up the situation he’s in right now.
I’m suspecting central made a last minute addition to their Exterminatus budget.