#506 – It Tolls For Thee
EN Merch Clearance Event!
Order now!
EN never had much merch, least of all online. The printed version of “Bookend of Unimaginable Power” (the second Morth story) is available print-on-demand here. Aside from that it was shirts and knick-knacks at conventions, and I have a bit of that stuff still lying around. So let’s clear out Virus’s closet!
There are three t-shirt designs, in limited numbers of M/L/XL/2XL. No Small, sorry! First come, first serve on sizing, and they won’t be reprinted.
Pricing’s in Canadian Dollars, which are pretty weak at time of writing, so international buyers can scoop em up at less than US$15, less than €13, and well under £10, plus shipping. Worldwide shipping can be pricey, so we’ve included a slower, but cheaper surface mail option.
Here’s the deal: the first dozen orders of one or more shirts will also include a mini merch bundle consisting of:
Six 1.5″ pin buttons– All gone!A bookmark– All gone!- An 8×5 “Toaster Safety” postcard
- Four business card designs
Not super exciting stuff, but it’ll never be printed again. Nice souvenir from our time here? And I’ll sign anything you request. And as a $5 add-on I’ll do a quick marker sketch of an EN character of your choosing.
I only have a dozen full sets. Orders after that, I’ll be out of bookmarks. Then Blasphemy buttons. Orders will just include whatever’s left. And so on, until it’s gone.
Click here to fill out the order form. We’ll take payment separately, by Paypal or by Square invoice. More than two or three shirts may incur extra shipping, especially at larger sizes. We’ll let you know before payment. Questions? Email Sales@PerfectlyChaotic.com
Thanks guys! Oh, and I hope you enjoy the comic this week. Been looking forward to this one for years.

And that’s what we call, puling a Cluny. Points to anyone who gets that old reference. Also, here’s hoping that had some kind of effect beyond making her angry.
Cluny wasn’t a demon princess with 1,000 years of experience in playing the long game.
Then again, I don’t think church bells in freefall ever factored into Vitani’s plans.
To be fair it would have worked better if they didn’t throw Wildfire, but instead threw…. wait scratch that. If Wildfire destroys the church our main team can blame team B for the mess.
Also the question isn’t IF the attack kills the demon, but IF it buys them more time to escape!
I got it!
I don’t think Vitani would much appreciate being compared to a one-eyed rat pirate, though…
Cluny wasn’t a pirate. Bandit? Marauder? Warlord? Sure, but I don’t recall him ever taking to the seas.
I thought Cluny was a Searat, as was most of his host?
Well. After a short adventure through ladders and cobwebs to retrieve the book, a skim unearthed nothing, but it turns out there’s a wiki, and they say Cluny was a bilgerat with a Portuguese accent and an implied history of seafaring. The more you know.
Redwall ftw
More like saved by the bell…. XP
More like crushed by the bell.
Now that I think of it, that bell looks like it’s made of silver going by how shiny it is. And silver’s been used to kill supernatural beings like werewolves before.
According to comic 481, it’s made of glass.
It is however also apparently a world famous holy relic, the Great Glass Bell of Saint Rhamnus so perhaps it have a chance of doing something to vitani anyway.
*Hears the theme song playing* It feels *almost* anti-climactic since so many people in the comments called it, but I can tolerate that because the theme song with gibberish lyrics are forming in my head as we speak.
Of course it also makes me happy that Wildfire can add squished a Daemon princess = to her resume…and she didn’t even blow up the church…YET!
Yeah, had some calls. Hell, a commenter named Garrus was calling shit a year ago. We thought there was a mole in our writer’s meetings, it got so uncanny. If you’re out there, Garrus: well done, sir.
But I was also quite surprised at the myriad of wrong guesses on the last couple of comics. People predicting deus ex machina of all sorts. I mean this universe literally has two gods out of machines, but that’s still not how we roll.
The Bell seemed too obvious after all the predictions, and we haven’t seen any angels in a while, so an angelic strike force made some sense – Angels being sent to help the decidedly less than holy team is the last thing we’d expect, after all.
The Bell remains awesome.
A trouble with the format is that people get a long time to think about each strip and piece things together. And then public comments mean when that one person hits upon it, a bunch more go “oh yeah, that’s probably what’ll happen.” All we can do is not respond, and carry on regardless. All good though. I like climaxes that you can feel smart for piecing logically together, as opposed to left-field twists that are surprising for the sake of surprise.
That whole bit about people being able to guess plot developments by chance is why another forum I know has a rule that anyone crowing about “I called it” will get Bob the Dinosaur to visit them and give them an Atomic Twirling Wedgie.
(Well, ok, not in those exact words, but the sentiment is accurate. :P )
Glad to see that Lothar’s spine wasn’t completely ripped out.
Aaah gravity, you never fail…
Wow. She saw it coming, and failed to move. It takes skills to be that stupid.
“He’ll never be able to throw her up to the bell. Why, she’ll probably miss and fall to her” *WHAM!*
Law of Narrative Causality. Going One Winged Angel cost at least 17 INT points.
Also: The closer a plan is to fruition, the bigger the penalty to Int/Wisdom/Common Sense.
A clear Evil Overlord List #34 Violation: “I will not turn into a snake. It never helps.”
In this case, a giant spider monster thing, but still pretty true.
No Cha Penalty?
Would have thought transforming into a giant monster would hit Cha at least a little.
I suppose after you spent all your time hidden the second you switch to battle mode you’re very under skilled
Nah, just as much force of personality.
Less sexy (to most of us, anyway), but just as strong-willed and expressive. If anything it gives her a bonus to Intimidation.
Hey lady. It definitely wouldn’t have worked if you had moved instead of commenting on it like an idiot.
Remember, you should only ignore falling objects when they’re significantly smaller and lighter than your head.
Yays for Wildfire saving the day! Love her determination and also Lothar’s coolness! True teamwork this one :)
Sad to see this comic end, but it was good whilst it lasted. Is there a way to buy prints of this (and other) pages? I’m in Australia, so anything bigger than a A4 usually has it’s shipping price at twice the product’s price. Also are prints printed on glossy paper or something more sturdier like photo/postcard material?
Give her time, I’m sure she can still make this blow up in Eastwood’s face.
Both the beginning and end of the Monty Python theme in one panel.
Of course they still need to slip a giant piece of paper under the bell so they can carry Vitani away.
>Of course they still need to slip a giant piece of paper under the bell so they can carry Vitani away.
This made me laugh way too hard.
It would have to be holy paper, blessed by… someone. Probably Nadia. She’s probably the only actually holy one there.
Also, yes.
I got a good hearty laugh out of this too. ;)
Five minutes after I read this, and I’m still giggling at the mental image.
Thanks, all!
If this wasn’t the end of the comic, I’d be rooting for her to become a recurring character.
Me too. Or at least a tiny version of herself, so that Blasphemy would have a playmate in the end.
You deserve the plaudits — that was a good gag. And I agree, she’s a splendid character, and one that, under other circumstances, we could definitely stand to see more of.
There’s a bell-end joke in there somewhere but we’re all too classy to find it.
that’s a lie and we all know it :P
Calling it right now… All they’re going to do is just make her mad. If the bell is indeed silver and assuming silver affects daemon princes/princesses, given her power displayed/hinted at, I doubt even a church bell made of silver will indeed put her down.
It will piss her off to no end though. Actually, that’s what, few hundred pounds of bell, and assuming it’s real silver and not just lead in silver leaf, which the church might’ve done….
… Well, that’s a hilarious turn of events.
Now, we get to see whether this works, or if we get a new round of desperately looking for a way to kill a demon princess.
Hmm. I wonder if Morth is watching through a window or something and cheering Vitani on? Or maybe Morth would be plotting a way to jump in and kill steal instead.
Now that was pretty unpredictable for Eastwood. Wildfire getting the honor does not surprise me. I’ll miss this comic, but I like how it manages to deliver so much entertainment even now, after all these years!
I literally cannot believe that worked.
Never say it worked until you see the mutilated body. Or the dust clears and the Daemon is clearly gone. Saying “(I/You/He/She) DID IT!!!!” before you KNOW it was actually done is the worst possible reaction. After all saying it in The Slayers Universe usually had the big bad come back badder then before…. Course they could have done it I mean it is a holy bell made out of ancient glass… I would have expected it to shatter on impact.
Actually, after the dust settles, with no body in sight is probably one of the WORST times to celebrate. that’s generally when one or more of the celebrators gets to watch some form of blade sprout from their chest as a result of being stabbed in the back.
Hm. Point Taken.
Actually what I meant is like a holy vortex or something sucking the body in making in clearly gone. In that instance the cleanup is no longer a bitch
I’m going to miss you guys so much.
“Ask not for whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.”
I must say, I am now very curious about what the X-Men analogues of the EN world would look like. :)
Missed that — thank you very much!
Be honest Al, did you have to look up what the yoke was actually called? I ask as I had no idea what the fuck it was until this.
Are you doubting my extensive knowledge of campanology, sir? That’s the study of bells, and I certainly didn’t copy-paste it from Wikipedia to make sure I spelled it right. IF THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE THINKING
No…but it has been insinuated and now verified by your overly defensive respone. Good job sir.
Well, if you’re going to go for mass destruction, Wildfire is definitely the one to choose. She’s pretty good at slicing up armored trucks, destroying secret facilities, (and the surrounding countryside) etc.
And when your back is to the wall, nothing seems too extreme.:)
That’s Wildfire. Give her a clear target and she’s able to make things happen.
lets hope she’s down for good….lets be honest. she’ll be back reallly….. soon
desperate tiiiiiimes call for desperate measureeees
hope this give them enough time to run now……
You guys going to release a file with all the comics when it’s all over?
And if you aren’t, I’ll try and do it, provided that isn’t against your wishes?
A see-through bell trapping a demon suggests some sort of zoo display to follow.Thanks for the great comic guys, I’m really going to miss this one.
Huh. Taking a second look at this page, and I’m finding that the whole page is filled with really good action shots. Especially the fourth panel, with the crossing trails from the swords.
Rats, all the toaster shirts are sold out. -.-
FASTBALL SPECIAL!.. is what i would say if i had allies.
Well, it WOULDN’T have worked if you hadn’t invoked Murphy.