Filler – Sprint Finish
T-SHIRT PURCHASERS: Please check your spam folders! We’re still waiting on one or two payments, so if you haven’t heard from us, please check that your junk filter hasn’t eaten the invoice.
Quick update to say thanks for the great turnout on the shirt sales! They are very nearly all gone: just some Blasphemy XL/2XLs left. Jessica’s been hard at work invoicing, organising the packages, and shipping em out – thanks hon, you’re the best. They’ve gone out in batches, some of you probably received them already, but we have to apologise for a delay on mailing out larger packets (if you ordered three XLs, two XXLs, or more). We’re supposed to have some larger poly bags coming in the mail, but they still haven’t turned up. Such orders will be shipped as soon as we have something to cram em into.
Hoping to get a new comic done over the weekend. It has not been a productive time otherwise.

Almost there, lad
I heard there will be a big trophy in the end.
just a little bit bro, you can make it!
He just needs you right motivation. Like an attacking daemon.
Or a hot spider-daemon? B)
But what if both happen at the same time.
You Can Do Eet.
Just a little further! I believe in you!
It’s been a great run, and I appreciate that you’re finishing the storyline and giving us notice.
I’ll miss Exterminatus Now, but I’m glad it’s being ended on good terms, instead of just being dropped and left to sit.
Thank you for all your hard work on the comic. :)
And so it ends, as foretold by the greatest of comic crafters. a good comic, such as this one, should end on a mutual level, with completion, and possibly an epilogue. sad, will i be to see it go, though the time was great, the laughs were many, and oh fuck it i lost my train of thought. comic kicked ass, still kicks ass, and will be entombed in the land of kickass. thanks for the work and cool stuff, as well as characters and nifty comic. i dread indefinite hiatus, but that doesnt always mean death. good luck, all involved.