#509 – Ritual 23:19
August 5th, 2015 |
And that, dear reader, will about do it. Sorry this one took so long. Fact is, many of the climactic scenes of Tangled Web have been quite clear in my head for several years, but this bit was still kind of foggy. Still not entirely happy with it, but fuck it! I’m out!
As noted last time, I’d like to come back and publish an epilogue, and then a final send off. But that will probably be October. I want to take a couple weeks to do nothing, play some games, go on vacation. Then I’ll do some prep work for the Edmonton Expo (which is 25th-27th September, Artist Alley B6). To stay abreast of the updates, follow Perfectly Chaotic on Facebook.
Maybe I’ll have more to say later. Now I’ma play some Kerbal.

“The V-man got some action”
Really, someone give a cookie to the writer.
Also, goodbye and see ya later.
…Alligator (couldn’t contain myself)
Wow, I’m really going to miss this comic. I’ll feel the loss greater than that of Dominc Deegan: Oracle For Hire, that’s for sure. I realize we weren’t friends, but I’ll miss you all the same.
Sweet Jesus, the only thing I can console myself with is reading My little Pony comics on Deviant Art! XD
If you’re a fan of both MLP and Dungeons and Dragons, look up “Friendship is Dragons”. It’s a screencap comic from the point of view of the main cast of MLP being a D&D party.
I think I’ve read the first hundred pages or so of that comic. I stopped reading it after the Zecora arc. But, I did like their take on the series. I didn;t really start looking into MLPFIM until april of this year(2015). Prior to that I only saw maybe five or six episodes and fancomics. My initial impression was that they were brainwashing the audience and front loading arguments into the show that it was like a game. It probably didn’t help that my sampling consisted of the pilot and Meriwether Williams episodes. I still think there are some shenanigans with regards to how much influence the show actually has, but it isn’t any worse than anything else I’ve seen.
So, over the past few months, ive been frolicking through the wonderful fields of Fort Knox and a few other military bases. In all the fun of playong soldier, i missed quite a few updates. And the announcment of the end of this series. So, I’ve spent the last few days rereading ALL of EN in my down time. And I must say, I’m actually quite sad to see it go. So much of this comic has subtlety influenced such minor things in my life. Like dumb comments I say to people midconversation. And all of the great refrences made throughout the comic. It even gave me the motivation I needed to begin an Imperial Guard army, of all things.
But, Tragically all good things come to an end. And at least there was an ending for our four ‘heros’. I do have one request though. I noticed a few updates ago you were offering special orders for requested EN characters in your t shirt orders. Anyway a guy could still jump on that? One of East, Virus, Loathar, and Rouge?
Hi, Jake. I was the one responsible for the EN Shirt Sale; unfortunately, we are completely sold out of everything. The drawings were bonuses for those who bought a t-shirt if they so wished. Shoot us an email via sales@perfectlychaotic.com; I can’t offer any guarantees, but it never hurts to try.
Thus, it ends with Virus earning his nickname: He’s treated like he has one.
I dun’ wan’ this to end :<
I like how they get rounded up for purification the same way they got captured in the first place. Good panel design.
Other than that… I am sad that Lothar’s site does not in fact exist.
I believe that’s because we’re not part of Cesspool. :P
Glad you caught it on the panel design!
Loved the 4th panel~! I can just imagine this going through their minds:
Virus – A net? What are going to do?
Lothar – I should’ve stayed at Cesspool
Harry – Moommmy?
Rogue – Shit.
As for V-man getting some action, I think he needs to be purified from the inside out. It’s only water after all. :P
And I’m going to have to try the ‘Up top’ thing one day. We call it ‘High five!’ here in Australia. Is Up Top used a lot in the UK?
USA here; we call it a high five (I believe that’s pretty universal) but “Up top!” is a way of commanding or offering a high five.
Never knew that – thanks.
We don’t actually use them that much in the UK. We just mumble, “Nice one,” and make a cup of tea instead.
As long as I get to eat all the little pastries, I’m a happy camper. :P
The end of n age is coming. I’ll certainly miss EN, but I wish the EN team all the best in whatever they do in the future. October can’t come fast enough.
Eastwood gets the best expressions.
Thanks guys for all the comics, I’ve been reading them all religiously for so many years.
EN is certainly my favourite comic.
Ah, the sweet taste of anticlimax. See you in a few months. Have fun in Edmonton and such.
So I guess this is “open source” since you’re not interested in it anymore?
That’s… not how things work.
Not at all.
I wish that’s how it worked. Could we at least have someone else do the comics? I like this a little too much.
Virus said an epilogue would start going up in ‘probably October.’ We’re only a couple months past that, and it’s hardly the first time things have taken longer than anticipated.
It’s not like it would be the same with someone else taking over.
So long and thanks for all the SPLORT!
Before you guys finish the epilogue, I really want to know what the hell Virus did to make everyone so against him driving. I know that sometimes it’s better to just imagine how bad it could be, but given this kind of comic I can easily accept him crashing a jet/car/boat/all of the above through 200 secure levels and demolishing an entire base before unleashing a minor apocalypse on whatever city he was in.
I would love to know that as well.
For the love of Tyrus, man! Leave it for the noodle incident that it is!
Hee, I just noticed Simmon’s nose is pressed up against the visor in panel 2.
I wonder how purified Eastwood will be since he is most likely looking at porn in panel six. Also, having visited my urologist this week, I can think of a few extra purification rituals for Virus given his special circumstances in this mission.
So was it ever explained how Vitani knew who Eastwood and Virus were? Or is that something being saved for the epilogue? Might be a good chance for a final plot twist.
Ah, priorities. These guys… have some skewed and rather messed up priorities, to say the least!
I suspect there are also three to twelve other plans initiated off of this event by Vitani. Several of which are her Xanatos Speed Chess-ing up new plans on the spot.
Ah shit i am so going to missed this series, i hope some day it will get back in action, anyway Virus you bastard you enjoy stuffing that spider didn’t you?…crazy bastard…
It’s been a long, strange and fun journey, fellas. Vor’e. (Mando’a for “Thanks.”)
This is going to be pretty odd not being to see this anymore. That’s for sure. Hopefully it won’t fully mean the end of the road for you guys.
I’m hoping for Christmas specials. ;)
I confess, I just checked lotharsfuckingobviousadvice.com in case of Easter Eggs. No dice. Not sure what I was expecting though.
Don’t worry, sooner or later someone will put up a website with that address. Lets just hope that it will be related to EN.
“The comic ended. Now, get off my lawn”
>.> ummm v man….go away now that you reminded us..
Take it easy, strangers. Thanks for everything. :)
I loved this comic from start to finish. I only wish it had updated more…so it would take me longer to read through the archived goodness.
You’ll be missed, Virus, if only because I am a simply terrible shot.
Well….there’s only one thing left to do now.
*goes to task bar and….takes EN down, deleting it*
….*sigh* I first started reading this in better days. The golden age of webcomics. Back when Alan Solivan did more than just doodle on Deviant Art, when Ctrl+Alt+Del was about current gaming… Now, I guess I’ll finally have to go through MegaTokyo’s comic and get caught up on the THOUSANDS of emo strips there.
So long, Lothar, Eastwood, Rogue, Virus… may we meet again in the 42nd millennium.
I wish it didn’t have to end…
And with the end of exterminatus now, all that is left is playing stalker and renaming my character lothar in honor of this lovable (if psychotic) echidna….
Dammit, I forget what game it was, but I named a spiky-black-haired asshole character Lothar already…
In spite of getting some from a arachnid demon princess that had a lot of man in her (implying how easy she was and that she ate them afterwards), as well as the danger they were all in… *High fives Virus* Though might want to get tested.
A great run that will be missed. Take it easy and see you in October.
that was pretty awesome
Tripped over this a couple months age and then did a rapid burn through the strips. After a short pause to let the strip count rise, I see you went and ended it
You Heartless Bastards! Where will I find anything as much fun as this again?
Good luck to you in the future. There is a skill in creating this and hope it brings you $$$ in the future
(Still can’t decide if it was the cleverness or the stupidity that worked so well…)
Depends, are we using the lothar definition of “Clever”?
Lothar? Did you mean to write “Baldrick”?
There’s a difference?
When Baldrick has a gun, only his foot is in danger. Lothar? not so much.
If there is nothing else that happens with Exterminatus Now, I’m hoping we’ll see a book with all the comics in it. I’ve followed this comic for around 10 years, and would love to see it on my shelf at some point. I couldn’t go to the convention so I missed out on the one book it did get.
Here’s hoping, and thanks for all the amazing laughs and entertaining stories.
And so ends a greater chunk of my late adolescence and 20s. s’been a fun run reading your work and watching the updates roll in. I’m with BlueInfinity on this one, I hope you’ll consider releasing a book containing the entire series. I’d happily support you on Kickstarter without delay. Nevertheless, thanks for an amazing ten year run you guys, go out, enjoy your lives and find and do whatever it is that makes you happy. Cheers mates.
Will there be a reddit AMA or other forum thing where we get to ask questions about the setting? I like the world, and want to learn more.
Wait WHAAAAT!? I leave for a year or so and It’s just… over?
It’s not done quite yet, but yes. Exterminatus Now is ending.
I can’t say I mind, because I’ve had a lot of fun reading Exterminatus Now, and I’d rather see it stop on good terms than continue on as a shell of its older self.
Aw, gonna miss this a lot. Though I might get more work done.
Just wanted to say thanks to you all. I started reading this back in 04, and while I didn’t keep up with it all the time I usually came back to it after a while, always happy to see the updates and get more of this. I’ve really enjoyed reading EN, and wish you luck with your future endeavors.
It’s said to see you comic go, but better a real ending than leaving it hanging. Quit while you are ahead.
I compiled a PDF of all the Exterminatus Now comics from the site… 200mb big… anybody interested?
I… I actually am.
I’ll take one!
i know i am.
For you guys:
filehosting dot org
590 pages.
Anybody download it, any comments on layout, compat. etc.? Not really done pdf programming before.
It’s actually pretty good. Though I didn’t know all the comics were in one big PDF. I thought each comic would be a seperate PDF.
Haha sorry, guess i didn’t make that clear. :) Lots of little pdfs could work but then you could have an index or whatever. I’ve made a new version with month and storyline indexes (clickable hyperlinks woo it’s the future!) if anybody wants that too
Derp. If you had lots of little PDFs you *couldnt* have an index, of course. stupid typo.
Ok… Where is it?
filehosting dot org/file/details/520755/20151106_exterminatus_now_black_almanack_storylines.zip
the comic told virus. man the day you get laid is the day this comic ends….that was at the beginning of the story….we didn’t know it was true Oo
Wait, literally?
O.o RAWR! no no i was only kidding.
…Wasn’t there supposed to be an epilogue and final send-off back in October?
well, you know what it’s like with send-offs.
You send off for something, and it says ten working days, and it doesn’t arrive until 2016.
Really, now? I guess I’ll have to wait until then.
GE-ZUS! Will there even BE an internet when the update comes? (says the freeloader waiting for someone else’s painfully executed work)
*sigh* still here…
guess I’ll read through the archives again. Not like there’s much better to do now that the golden age of webcomics has passed.
There’s still plenty of good ones out there. Girl Genius is always around, for example, and new stuff is cropping up all the time and improving with age.
I am looking forward to EE’s return though.
virus you fucking cunt
Yeah, now, blame the artist ГпГ
I though you were gonna finish it off! Its 2016 now…
yeh welll sometimes dreams die. get OVER it
Another good ending to another good arc! Continue, so the H-Man can get some action?
Huh? What? Wait! Why couldn’t I get the kitty profile pic?
I used think maybe the avatar selection was location based, then email based, or ip based, but now I think it’s just random that I get the same avatar every-time I show up…
I believe the comment avatars are email based. It’s been more than a while since I’ve had to look at how anything functions here.
They’re using WordPress and Gravatar, so yes; posts with the same email will have the same avatar.
Kind of like the one they gave me.
Well I think the artist died. Probably trying to leave the solar system and blew up in Kerbal’s atmosphere. That or he actually succeeded and is leaving now. Doesn’t it take like 10 years to leave the solar system? I’ll check back in 5 just to be sure.
Greeting from spaaaace!
So New Horizons took almost ten years just to get to Pluto. Pluto is about 40 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun, and is basically the nearest edge of a band of dwarf planets and other small objects called the Kuiper Belt. There are varying ways of defining the “edge” of the solar system. Voyager 1 left the Heliosphere (the region dominated by the Sun’s solar winds) and is considered to have entered interstellar space in 2012 — 35 years since launch, and about 200 AU. But then there’s the Oort Cloud! A theoretical cloud of long-period comets between 50,000 and 200,000 AU away, waaaaay further than Voyager, but technically still orbiting the Sun!
Space is big, yo.
Erm, sort of half-assedly working on a comic? Those two months turned into 5 really really easily. Turns out time is big too, yo.
Even a sketch update and some text would be nice ^_^ let us know how your doing
High-five, stranger!
Please don’t let it end without an epilogue! ;_;
Rumor has it once this comic page has acquired equivalent notes the epilogue will be unleashed….
That or they meant an October.
Still Dead!
Just checking. :-)
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
still nothing…this is whats happens when webcomic artists and writers get a life.