#005 – A Matter Of Trust
Another day, another comic. Heh heh heh, “Goit”.
Dont forget to vote, if you want to that is.

Another day, another comic. Heh heh heh, “Goit”.
Dont forget to vote, if you want to that is.
Aww, wookit the cute widdle Eastwood…….Ok I think I almost made myself sick with that comment.
Cyborg Echidna’s dont have this problem, for one our tails are’nt long enough. Also we tend to shoot anyone who does touch them.
As of Friday October 10th, Exterminatus Now has had 10155 Hits according to Keenspace, I dont think that’s too bad for a comic that’s only been running two weeks. Thanks to everyone who’s visited and keep coming back!
Well someone had to put up a newspost so it might as well be me.
If anyone’s wondering, and I know one or two people who are, Lothar and Rogue wont be showing up in the comic till a bit later in this storyline.
Oh and if anyone was wondering what I actually do for the site, well I’m a Writer, and I’ve got around 100 different scripts written up.
Dude Eastwood is addicted to porn, I’m addicted to “Ale and Whores” and gaming, you’re smoking, and Rogue………well he’s just an arse ;)
Let’s all make fun of the rat… Make me the butt of your insulting jokes will you?
Hah! ‘Butt’! As in cigarette! Geddit? It’s funny because-*kablam* Ow.
This comic has been a public service announcement from the caring folks at Exterminatus Now. Enjoy it while it lasts, we won’t always have such wholesome morals.
See kids, another couple of reasons to not smoke.
First of all, for those of you that think smoking is cool and only cool people smoke, look who’s doing it here. VIRUS! Virus is not cool, so that’s that theory out the window.
Secondly, Virus is showing you what will happen if you smoke for years. Although being so uncool it happens to him in 3 seconds :p.
And Thirdly, banana flavoured cruise ship.
Before we put anybody off, I must stress that this comic is self-contained. You do not need to read up on Grim’s background to be able to follow. We’ll try and keep the obscure in-jokes to a minumum… After all, an evil toaster strangling somebody with its power cable is funny, even if you don’t know the exact reasoning behind it, right? ^_^
I’m Virus, I’ll be the artist on the comic. I drew today’s strip a month or two ago, and it looks decidedly dodgy after all this time >_o The art gets better, let me assure you.
You will notice that I am Silversword, and that the fourth member of the intended cast is not. I got sick of answering to the wrong name after a couple years of being “Crystal Daedalus” and I don’t feel like doing that over again.
Do try to keep the difference in mind. Silversword =/= Rogue, despite a few unintentional similarities. :)
Hello and welcome to Exterminatus Now. I am Lothar Hex, one of your hosts for this little webcomic. I, Eastwood, Silversword, and Virus hope you enjoy your stay here.
What is Exterminatus Now you ask? Well it’s this webcomic (duh), set in a world based off of an old project Virus, Eastwood and Silversword were doing, called “The Grim Darkness”.
Exterminatus Now isn’t the same as Grim, but it uses pretty much everything in it for humorous purposes.
The comic will follow the adventures of our characters, Virus, Eastwood, Lothar and Rogue (and others, as we think of ‘em). And will (hopefully) update twice a week on Mondays and Fridays. Now that you know this, enjoy the comic!
Lothar signing off.