So now you see that I have the same amount of talent with art as a zombie has a talent for ruling the country.

“Murr, this new..brains of the living tax…burr..brains.”

New fan art this week by Alex-The-Cat. That Blasphemy is a popular little bastard isn’t he?

Ok to be honest I don’t have an update planned for this week, or rather I do but I simply cannot be fucking arsed to type one. Don’t like it? Tough. This comedy malarkey is harder than it looks you know. So now I am reduced to talking about some old shit barely anyone cares about.

Not that much different from every other week then I guess.

I’ve been reading up on Warhammer, considering I am the ONLY member of EN who is not into in some way, shape, or form I figure I better at least read some of the background and maybe a book or two. It is really quite interesting; I especially find how the way humanity has degenerated into what is essentially a load of Nazis in space, interesting.

Space Nazis? For some reason I have this image in my head of Hitler riding a rocket around the cosmos, throwing propaganda and Swastikas at alien worlds. Then the aliens going “Dude what the fucking hell was that?”
“I dunno, but we better hurry if we wanna catch the five o’clock probing at the Probe-O-Dome!”

Probe-O-Dome. I seriously question the inner workings of my brain sometimes.

Also been reading some Doom 3 Reviews since it’s out in America now and out in the UK next Friday. Seems it’s the gaming equivalent of Marmite (BRITISH POP-CULTURE REFERENCE/IN-JOKE ALERT), you either love it or hate it. By the way, if anyone cares, I doubt I’ll be getting Doom 3. I like FPS and all but it seems while the technology of Doom 3 has moved on, the core gameplay hasn’t. That said this is just reading reviews, so meh. But I think I’ll keep looking forward to Halo 2 and try not to get swept up in the hype. Which in the gaming world is about as easy as being an evil henchmen in a James Bond movie and NOT being shot/beaten up/electrocuted/blown up/strangled/throw to various man-eating beasts/sexed up (apply only if female henchmen…I mean person…woman…thing. Whatever.)
