And it goes like this:

Dear Mr Virus

We couldn’t help noticing that you have been keeping an eye on the next gen iteration of ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ with a quiet, cautious optimism. We have tried to break your spirit many times in the past with steaming piles of poop like ‘Shadow the Hedgehog’ and ‘Sonic Heroes’, and yet you still cling doggedly to the hope that one day a Sonic game might come along that is actually halfway decent.

Well, today we’d like to strike another cruel blow, in the sincere hope that your already crumbling faith in our creative team might at last shatter into dust.

Introducing, Generic the Hedgehog!

We are aware how much you hate poorly designed Sonic ripoffs, and we have witnessed how you have tried to defend our earlier clone hedgehog, claiming things like “Shadow’s not so bad” and “He’s better than most fan recolours out there!” So we designed Generic especially for you, Mr Virus, working around the clock and trawling the lamest fansites on the ‘Net, to create a character of the most appallingly dull design imaginable, in the hopes that you might find no redeeming qualities with which to build even the feeblest defence.

We hope that, if not broken completely, your naïve and futile optimism for ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ has at least been unpleasantly soured by this announcement, and we look forward to disappointing you again in the future.

Yours sincerely,
The no-talent hacks at Sonic Team.

It was nice of them to clarify their position for me. …And dammit, I still hold hope that it might at least play all right. Sonic’s sections anyway. Trailer.

Here’s my super concise E3 roundup: Smash Brothers for the Wii for the win.

The win.

And in utterly non-gamey news, Azumanga Daioh is the most fun you can have with six Japanese schoolgirls without getting arrested.

Actually wait, if age of consent in Japan is like 13, then maybe not. I mean, Chiyo’s definitely underage, bu-THIS WENT TO A WEIRD PLACE.

It’s awesome, go see it.
