
is a train timetable. See all those numbers on it? A sensible person might assume those numbers have some correlation to the times the trains arrive. Oddly, this is not the case. Those numbers mean nothing. They are entirely fictitous, with no bearing on reality whatsoever.

So, what have I been up to when I haven’t been stood freezing my arse off on train platforms for upwards of 30 minutes? Check it out. Is it awesome in here, or is it just me? *Smug Mode activated* This is what I was working on last week when Silv covered. No, he has no pupils as of yet, will get to that. Also got the long annoying process of rigging ahead of me now.

So I’m pleased with this model. But apart from finishing that, today (time of writing, i.e. Thursday) has not been a fine day for science. One of those days where the world goes “That’s right, I’m gonna pick on YOU today, repeatedly and maliciously, just to see if I can piss you off.” And misery likes company, so sit down and shut up while I rant some more.

Smoking tobacco ranks among one of the stupidest ideas mankind has ever had. I mean seriously, whose idea was that? At what point did “Lets inhale the foul smelling poisonous fumes giving off by burning leaves” seem like a good idea?

You know when a house burns down and people die? Do you know what most of those people die of? Rarely do people burn to death, usually they’re killed by “smoke inhalation”. Yeah. That should give you a big fucking clue right there.

Okay okay, I won’t go on a tirade about the health effects. I don’t exactly live a healthy lifestyle myself, so it would be somewhat hypocritical of me. I consume more than my fair share of junk food, soft drinks, caffiene etc. Pleasure first, long term consequences later. Carpe diem, I know how it is.

What really annoys me though, is how godsdamn rude it is to smoke around other people. Cigarette smoke smells awful. I mean really fucking bad. Not all smoke smells that bad; woodsmoke has quite a pleasant smell. If cigarettes smelled as nice as that, I wouldn’t have a problem. But tobacco burns with a horrible, acrid smoke that irritates my throat and my eyes. I can’t imagine how unpleasant it would be to inhale that crap directly. Ugh.

Consider this hypothetical situation:
You’re standing there, minding your own business. Perhaps waiting for a train that is ridiculously, unforgivably late and will not actually deliver you to your destination until one whole hour later than it was scheduled to. A man walks up and stands next to you. Undisguised, and unashamedly, he lets off a massive stinking fart. He continues to emit these foul smelling farts for the next five or ten minutes. Not once does he apologise, or show the slightest bit of shame or concern for inflicting such nasal discomfort on you.

Isn’t that farting guy the rudest son of a bitch in the whole fucking world?

Smokers are like that. Except farts smell better and don’t give you cancer.
