First up, some news, Exterminatus Now now (echo?) has its own domain name.!. It just takes you to this page, but its nice having our own domain name.

Some new fan art this week. Two Lothar wallpapers, sized 800 and 1024, as well as this sketch sketch of the entire crew by Queen Qeeko. A Lothar picture by Joris. Another Lothar by Lady Katana. And finally (thank Jeebus!) a Rogue pic by Ourik.

As a reminder, we’re still accepting guest comics, get them to me at lotharhex[at] by the 26th of March. You have 2 weeks, so HURRY UP! I haven’t received any yet but have gotten plenty of interest.

So this week I have finally decided that I will never understand “art”. Now by art I don’t mean art in the sense of what Virus, Silv, my girlfriend Raquel (love you babe!) and all my other artistically talented friends produce. By this I mean the concept of “art”. Like who decides what is art and what isn’t. To the best of my reckoning , the people who decide what art is are a load of pompous dickheads who are too busy sticking their heads up each other arses to explain to “the great unwashed” what the fuck they’re talking about. And most artist just throw any old shit together, say something about it having hidden meaning and the torment of the human soul and get paid stupid amounts of money for doing bugger all. This is not to say I don’t think art can’t have hidden meanings or what have you, I just fail to see the artistic merit in crap like THIS:

This for you people that are unaware, is Tracy Emin’s “My Bed”. Which is her filthy bed, covered in used condoms, cigarette package, bodily fluids and various other stuff. Can somebody explain to me how THIS is art? I bet there an explanation that it’s “the outer expression of the inner depravity of the human soul” or some shit like that. You know what I think is the hidden meaning in this? TRACY EMIN NEEDS TO HIRE A GOD DAMN MAID!

This week at University I watched a film called “Fishtank” by Richard Billingham. This…PILE OF FUCKING CUM STAINED SHIT entailed him constantly changing the focus on the camera, extreme close-ups on his alcoholic fathers comb over and nose. It also has him filming his obese mother putting on make up. I watched Event Horizon and Saw without batting an eyelid, this…THING putting on make up made me almost throw up. It also has his brother hunting a flies, of which there are many in their tiny, filthy and just plain ugly flat. This went on for about 40 minutes AND HE WON THE 2001TURNER FUCKING PRIZE FOR IT! What the hell is wrong with Humanity? We’ve got so many diseases and environmental problems I’ve lost count, yet we’re wasting money on giving some ageing hippy thousands of pounds for his damn home movies.

And then there is that picture of a dot. Not many dots making up a large picture like Monet, or was it Van Gogh? It’s just ONE BLACK DOT IN THE MIDDLE OF A WHITE CANVAS AND IT’S BEING HAILED AS ART! God you dipshits hurt my brain. Tell you what, I’ve got some dust under my bed, WHERE’S MY FUCKING HUNDRED GRAND? NOT ENOUGH? OK I’VE JUST TAKEN A SHIT! SHALL I FISH IT OUT AND MIX IT WITH THE DUST? THERE YOU GO 100% PURE A-GRADE ART! ITS THE MANIFESTATION OF HUMANITY’S TORTURED EXISTANCE ON EARTH IN BALL FORM, GIMME MONEY!

There’s this sculpture near where I go to University. It’s a 15-20ft tall stainless steel tower with lights all along it. There’s also a phone number, you send a text message to that phone number and the sculpture lights up. It was commissioned by Middlesbrough Council. Cost of tax payers money? £80,000. Eighty, fucking, grand on a giant light up cheese grater. How the hell does the “artist” sleep at night knowing that this £80,000 could have been used to, I don’t know, go towards fighting drugs in the damn town or something? I hope he hangs himself with some fibre optic wire.
