I’m not, at heart, a gamer. This much I can admit. I don’t have the same rabid obsession with games like I do, with say, Discworld, or Cthulhu, Transformers (And odd combination but I’m an odd man).

But there are a few that wander along and get even me, cynical and suspicous of practically everything, to sit up and take notice. First of these was World of Warcraft, which I’m frankly addicted to. I despised MMORPG’s, in particular the godawful excuse for a game lesser men call Everquest, but WoW dragged me in and made me another MMORPG junkie. That doesn’t mean I’ll forgo sleep and waste real-life money on in-game items (And not only because my account would be suspended if I was to be caught). I just happen to really like the quasi-steampunk feel of Azeroth, and my obsession with Goblins is well documented. It’s a good game, and tends to suck up all my gaming time.

Then I noticed Timesplitters 3 was released. Now, Lothar may go on about Halo is the gods gift to FPS, but frankly, he’s wrong (your mother is a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries – Lothar). Timesplitters 2 was one of my favourite games, simply because it was fun, addictive and had healthy amount of humour. After playing TS3 for an hour or so, it has come to me it’s a really, really fun game. Like Mr. Hex, a game has to grab me within the first hour or so if I’m going to continue playing it. Whilst Halo 2 sort of pattered out, TS3 seems to ooze playability, humour and weapons of incredible power – The Farsight from Perfect Dark seems to have shown up, along with the old guard. Some of the original cast have returned, along with some great new faces (The Deerhaunter looks to be a hit, and the droids are remarkable). I haven’t given it a “proper” play, but from first impressions it looks like it’ll be a winner.

But some of you may be crying “OMG, NO BILE FILLED RANT!!!11 U SUK EASYWOOD”. Good, it’ll mean those without braincells or paitence have buggered off to drive jokes into the bloody ground with the force of a thousand wild elephants.
Doing a sweep of the BBC website, I encountered this. It just goes to show that, thanks to the Fundamentalist Prats who seem to run America these days, any film that provokes thought or is critical of THE CHURCH (Not any particular one, just this almost deified body known as THE CHURCH) disapears or gets edited so not to offend the poor, poor fundamentalists. Which is rather annoying. Fundamentalists, in my experience, are close-minded morons who have all the social graces of a rabid vole. They’re hardly what I’d call academics (Or, at least, reputable academics). So why have they got such leverage?
At best, we have them posting their bullshit on the internet, and here they have a strong degree of control over a supposed free, fair and democratic nation (Not to say the USA isn’t, but Fundies don’t do it’s PR much favours). Is this right? That films are censored in all-but name to appease a bunch of dumb hick god-botherers, who won’t even entertain the idea that the Bible (one of the most edited documents in circulation today, folks) isn’t the utter literal truth of THE LAWRD and that, gasp, might be metaphor? Or might just be complete cobblers?

But I suppose ignoring and smothering your problems is so much easier for the proles and evangelists, than actually engaging these problems with your God-given brain.

Oh, and since you buggers seem to demand hilarious pictures:
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Coherence is for lesser men
