Rogue finally appears in a comic!
Now if only it was in continuity…

And here we have our Halloween strip! Happy Halloween to any of you that celebrate it, I know I dont. If you dont know who the gang are dressed up as, go to 8-Bit Theater.
And now for something REALLY scary.
Proof that cloaking devices are not always useful….and that “I-Spy” is the most EVIL AND STUPID GAME EVER! Well, apart from the Army Mens series.
As I type this, we’re #44 on BuzzComix. Thanks to all our fans who are supporting us from the start of our comic, you guys rock!
I’m still a bunch of comics ahead… But I still have yet to draw a full comic with Lothar or Rogue in it :p Well, you two can be in a OOC Halloween one-off next week, ‘kay?
Thanks to everyone for their support. As Lothar said, breaking top 50 in a week – we gotta be doing something right. Response and feedback has been great, I hope we can continue to please ^_^
Addendum –
Grim Darkness helpfile no. 1 – Eastwood says: “Oh for Gruss’ sake” in panel three. Gruss is the benevolent Machine God. It is he to whom we pray for mercy in all things mechanical and computer related. When he is displeased he turns his back on our digital pleas, and leaves us to the Blue Screened gaze of his Dark counterpart, the Fell Technomancer, Fernex. A small point, but explained here for those interested ^^ You will get to know Fernex intimately in due time…
You know, eventually we’ll have more chracters than just these two bastards in the comic.
But seriously, if any one’s wondering when Lothar and Rogue will actually be in the comic, theres another few weeks to go so far. Updating twice a week is bloody slow for introducing new characters isn’t it? Once the comic get’s past the first story arc however, I’ll be slighlty less impatient.
I’ll still be an angry, sarcastic, cynical bastard though………….
In other news, EXTERMINATUS NOW HAS MADE IT INTO THE TOP 50 ON BUZZ! Well at the time of writing this anyway. I know this isnt top ten high but considering we’ve only been listed on Buzz for just over a week I think it’s pretty damn good!
W00, thanks to Psy for the mad pimpage. Got talking to him a bit earlier too, he’s a good guy.
I went to my Grandad’s birthday dinner thing today, and I got stuck talking with a load of 60+ men who we’re going on about old men stuff. Is it possible to fall asleep with yer eyes open? Cos I’m sure that happened to me today.
Oh and you can blame East for updating the comic early this time :p. And I swear if he ever types in “l337″ again I’ll castrate him.
Thanks to our fans out there, and thanks to Psy at Fireball20XL, we’re now in the Top 100!
So, to all you guys and gals out there, thankyou. j00 r0xx0r5 my 50xx0r5.
Now what was I doing…oh yeah! *continues playing Jak II: Renegade*
CRAP! I just accidently updated the comic 6 hours early. I was just editing something on Monday’s update and accidently uploaded Friday’s comic. >.< Oh well.
Thanks for all the votes, as of 5 minutes ago (Thanks Fury!) EN is #149 on the BuzzComix, keep up the voting!