#458 – Tunnel Vision
July 24th, 2013 |
Backgrounds take me so long. Especially when they’re written as a plot reveal. “And in this panel: sinister, ancient tunnels; good luck!”
Backgrounds take me so long. Especially when they’re written as a plot reveal. “And in this panel: sinister, ancient tunnels; good luck!”
I like rogue’s mix of crazy skeptic and crazy conspiracy theorist through this storyline so far. makes me chuckle.
Rogue must have a lot of trouble with the sort of magician who uses drugs to help get into the right mindset to have visions.
Poor Alan =(
Good luck, mate. Seems like you have much to draw.
…that hard destiny of artist….
On the left of that tunnel was that a Chaos space marine helmet?
Oh, I see it now. No. It’s just a D: mouth on a horned daemon face. Compare the similar face to the right of Rogue’s head.
That settles it. Eastwood is officially the ‘dumb one’ of the group.
…when was that ever in question? :-P
Yeah, I mean, I’m pretty sure they were fairly upfront about that since the beginning lol
I don’t know, I don’t think East is dumb, he has a brain, he’s just thinking with something else 95% percent of the time
Pretty much. Eastwood is apathetic and lazy. If he put the effort in, he’d be good at his job. He just never does. Virus, however, is actually quite book-smart and motivated, but lacks a great deal of common sense, and doesn’t have the amount of field experience Eastwood has.
Between them they make one halfway competent field agent.
I just remember trying to figure out who was the dumber of the two. From this story arc, it appears that Virus is more competent than Eastwood.
so i guess that means the other two members of their little group help make up the other half?
and what is with their luck? It’s like one of their group slept with a god or goddesses of luck or something.
perhaps virus would be better at a computer relaying information, and East needs to have someone light a fire under his ass… not sure if literally or figuratively
Both would be best.
agreed, love the name btw
Ah, a computer. Like how he handled CABAL?
yes, something like that, except to actually accomplish something instead of annoying the pychopathic cyborg… actually I can see him doing both at the same time, now that I think about it
Rogue is pretty NOT Genre Savvy when he calls the Jet Black cobra with no pupils who knew exactly who they were and what they were looking for a loon.
Seriously, that is Genre Blindness taken to a new extreme.
It is most probable that he and Eastwood left the shop after they got the tip and didn’t witness his transformation and other hints that he dropped.
Well yeah, that much seemed obvious. But he was still a JET BLACK COBRA WITH NO PUPILS. Pardon my all-caps, but that, combined with his general creepy demeanor and complete knowledge of who they are and what they’re looking for, doesn’t really seem like a loon. to me, or any other decent Inquisitor/Daemon Hunter, I’d assume.
What terrible stereotyping. Just because someone looks different doesn’t mean they are evil. Kinda like how this stupid, big-headed kid kept calling our new transfer student an alien because his skin was green and lacked ears…
I know. That kind of blatant prejudice burns me right down to my squeedlyspooch.
Haha invader zim
So we are Following the Adventures for Eastwood Eastwood Rogue And Lothar now? Meh since they asked about what the guy was and the door didn’t ding till well into his monologue I’d say the were freaked by the transformation/monologue and Rogue is actively suppressing the memory. And Virus is ignoring the memory in favor of the tip.
They wandered out before he changed. As far as they’re concerned, Nigel was just a weirdo. Not a malevolent alien extelligence.
Well, yeah, I figured that. But he still knew Virus by name, what they were looking for, and how to get to it. That combined with his appearance would set off alarm bells in any decent inquisito-…
wasn’t that what I said on the last strip?
(sigh)Indeed, and I gave the Rat Once Outsmarted by a Toaster too much credit…
once-outsmarted? he gets his ass kicked by that thing on a daily basis
wel at least they know theyre in the right spot, nice to see virus at least knows how to trust certain creatures tips more then rogue.
also looking forward what theyre gonna find down there.
Personally, on rereading, I think Rogue is channeling Wildfire in this instance….. Ignore the obvious since it’s Virus. He usually seems better then this.
Look at Virus go. Following a good lead (as far as I can tell), being sneaky, following targets, being patient and picking a lock.
Is Virus knowing how to pick a lock standard basics of a Mobius Inquisitor, or of the “Only-finish-the-question-if-you-REALLY-want-to-know-the-answer” flavor?
I’m willing to bet it’s part of the standard training, it’s a useful to be able to enter buildings without alerting everyone inside, sometimes it’s better to sneak in rather than kick down the door screaming “NOBODY EXPECTS THE MOBIAN INQUISITION!”
Full of boxes full of boxes….
it’s either a scripting error, or he’s saying the boxes have boxes in them, my money’s on the latter
And the boxes have boxes with boxes with boxes with boxes with boxes with a gate to an eldritch dimension that has boxes with boxes with boxes…
Ok, I’ll stop now.
I see someone has paid a visit to “Arkham Woods” recently.
thank you, I usually have to slap people when they do that
Hey yeah, is he really saying ‘full of boxes’ twice?
What’s wrong with that? A perfectly cromulent turn of phrase.
Does this warehouse have ‘Expert Men’?
do you mean “top men” as in the really old family guy joke?
Tell me where you live so I can punch you Spike.
Wow, I probably should’ve worded that differently. Sorry, Please let me clarify.
I was talking about how the “Top Men” thing is not from Family Guy, but from the ending of Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark, which Family Guy completely ripped off. I wanted to feign rage due to misappropriation with my comment for comedic effect, but looking at it again it kind of looks like a genuine threat, I know from experience that typed sarcasm is sometimes indistinguishable from actual claims, even if they are ridiculous.
My point is, I don’t really want to punch you, I just wanted to be funny. Sorry.
is why I always denote my sarcasm with a /
/it works every time
no offense or threat taken DHGM, I love Indiana Jones, I despise family guy with an intense fire, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to watch any of the movies for a long time, and I also sat through that episode recently, so that was the first thing that came to mind, I apologize for seeming like an idiot
I apologize for seeming like an asshole. And thanks for the advice Groggarioth.
nothing to apologize for, I know how it feels, for instance, I love classic rock, I love 80′s music, and when I’m say, listening to some on YouTube while skimming the comments and someone says “Regular Show FTW” or some other crap like that, I feel the urge to do far worse than punch the bastard
Yes, the two dead guards and the horde of lurking shadows populating the pit isn’t of concern at all.
Since when is a massive hole with mystical pariphinalia a good thing?
The Well of All Sparks seems like a pretty good one.
I don’t know if that counts….
Well it’s a massive hole, even when compared to other massive holes, is quite literally the most mystical thing you can get from Transformers and is kind of both their heaven and transition zone between reincarnations.
So I’d say it checks all the little boxes on your list.
July 28, 2013 at 8:02 am | Reply
“Since when is a massive hole with mystical paraphernalia a good thing?”
when the massive hole belongs the gender that you are sexually attracted to.
Join to forum and stop posting shitty things in comments? Naaah.
Um, what?
D’aww, thanks Deborah. That’s really sweet :)
I veeeery hope there’s no mistakes. It will be weird =(
Hah, you’re welcome. Maybe I’m late a little, but it’s all because of the time zones, honestly!
So Virus isn’t stupid he’s just an airhead. I can relate. Rogue, however, is confusing. First he’s the Mulder, now he’s the Scully. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!!