#473 – Losing My Religion
January 29th, 2014 |
We begin. This was a long time coming. And I don’t mean the the late strip. Will tell you about it some time.
We begin. This was a long time coming. And I don’t mean the the late strip. Will tell you about it some time.
Things got a little out of hand transcribing ancient holy documents.
“Damnit man, I TOLD you we should have burned the unholy texts confiscated from the cults and locked up the ashes so that no student would get corrupted and be comically surprised in the middle of a ritual, possibly permanently defiling our sanctuary!”
“Sorry Sir, I’ll do better next time.”
“You’d Better!”
well, you see, we ran out of red and, well, everyone knows joe’s a jerk so it seemed the logical choice.
no hard feelings, right?
I like how they tried to scribble out a holy symbol. It’s also not often one sees an inspirational combat saint wielding a shovel. So, this bulwark against another incursion probably doesn’t contain combat monks.
Is Adrasteia a reference to the Hereticus Inquisitor from the Aurelian campaign?
And now, allow me to be the first commenter to say: Holy moly!
*Chorus* Holy moly. Holy moly. Holy moly.
I won’t lie, I assumed it was a Dragon Age reference.
I am acquainted with neither of those things. It’s from Greek myth.
It’s a funny thing. I have this big book of Greek folklore at home including variations on the same story. Now I am ashamed and must read all of it and not just the bits that interested me at the time.
Really, I should be assuming every name that DoW uses was lifted from Greek or Roman culture. It’s how the setting rolls.
Except for the Dark Angels and some of the other Space Marine chapters. A goodly chunk of their names are simply lifted straight from the Abrahamic religions. I could have sworn there was one named one whose name was straight from Goethe’s Faust, too, so there’s probably European myth, folklore, and theater to draw from too.
In reply to the bit about combat saints not being depicted with shovels: maybe, unless they’re the Patron Saint of Improvised Weapons (which would be pretty awesome), or the Team Fortress 2 Soldier, or the protagonist of The Zombie Hunters. I mean, at least it’s more imposing than a spoon.
This can only end in blood, tears, and a hail of gunfire.
And probably some comedy along the way too.
Can we have just ONE institution in this world that’s heresy free? No cults, no blasphemy, no unholy sacrifices, just one, fucking, clean institution!? JUST FUCKING ONE!?
Well, the library in strip #449 seemed pretty clean. …If you don’t count Lothar’s presence, anyway.
Well, the garbage men seem to be nice and clean…
I believe Schaffer has uttered that exact phrase on more than one occasion…
Probably not. I mean, if nothing else, there’s the internet. Which is for porn. Which is probably a hotbed for The Soulthirster’s recruiting efforts.
Pun intended.
Would make for a short story arc. “Right then, everything looks to be in order. We’ll see ourselves out.”
Well, that one town in the “Drink the Cool-Ade” arc DID have nothing at all to do with actual, genuine supernatural forces. Just cult idiots who helped chlorinate the genepool by grinding themselves into a deliciously refreshing beverage. Still violates the “cult” clause of that statement though, but it was a pretty short arc. As for a clean institution… webcomics.
And that’s the cue for the cultists to stop holding their breath, come out of hiding, and celebrate the protagonists not spotting them during the search.
Of course, this would be while the protagonists came back in because they forgot something and witness the cultists presence.
Well, either that, or some cultists are outside trying to steal the Wraith when the protagonists leave.
Whichever is funnier.
A long time coming, huh? Hmm… You have my attention.
And this is why kids, you lock the damn door BEFORE starting your ritual preparations.
It goes without saying that this arc is gonna be a doozy XD
well…. Eli….i guess it’s time for a holy promotion…just don’t look here or speak of this again.
Yea. So. Can awkward be an understatement? Because I think it is here.Needless to say, things are gong to be interresting, right?
Long time coming, huh? How long?
(settles in for what hopes to be a long and enjoyable ride)
Queue candid camera host running in
well at least hes not trying any stupid type of coverup but just blatantly accepts that theyre doing something unholy.
Well, it’s not like you can claim “Oh, sorry about all the blood and unholy symbols scrawled around the place, Jenkins over there got a nasty papercut…”
This is a case of “We build our Holy temple on top of a long and twisted dungeon filled with horrors that use to imprison a great evil”, isn’t it.
I think that’s what the first two panels try to express, yes.
And this is what happens when you don’t have a good QA policy and the builders forget to use blessed grout between the tiles.
Grout fails to mold and constant water abuse. If doesn’t matter if you use a sealant or not. It is an eventual fail.
It seems in this case, the builders didn’t take into account the eventual failure. Or they did and the customers decided they would rather not pay for the constant vigilance model of building.
Or they figured “Meh, it’ll fail long after I’m dead, I’ll be safe in the grave at that point.”
Really, it’s amazing the cliff hasn’t collapsed and the whole temple hasn’t fallen into the valley.
Good luck with that dude.
Is that nun a corgi?
I was going for fennec fox. But it did strike me as corgi-lookin when I was colouring her.
Is good brother Eli a regular mole, or a star-nosed mole? I’m almost inclined to say star-nosed because of his little mustache.
I thought about turning a starred nose into a mustache. But it would have to be a huge gross pink tentacley mustache because star-nosed moles are hideous. Regular moles have whiskers all over their snout that serve much the same purpose.
I was actually wondering that myself. I also agree with yur statement. However, they are not as hideous as the naked molerat.
I kind of see Fennec foxes and Corgis as kind of the same (huge ears, small everything else)
I hope Brother Eli and his tour group are good at running.
What are you talking about? They turned up just in time for the best part of the event! The Mobian Sacrifices! Or better yet, daemon summoning! Ooooh, or maybe both at the SAME TIME!
“And this is a picture of us with an absolutely charming cultist. And here’s us with the daemon he summoned. Lorn the Unspeakable was a real card!”
Hey, first time commentator.
…Is that Koala Blinky Bill?
Wow! He really wasn’t expecting that sunday tour.
Well, who wants to bet that the place doesn’t have any top grade Inquisition agents, or an Exterminatus pointed at it 24/7? What with it being a potential Incursion site and all.
Well there’s lots of potential Incursion sites. The last incursion was over 2000 years ago. Meanwhile people build cities next to volcanoes and fault lines, even when the last tragedy was within human memory.
Ah, got it. Plus there wouldn’t be a story either.
is this a one-off or are we moving into a new plot?
ah, nvm, didn’t see the little comment below the comic ><
Yeah, well, eruptions are a splendid fertilizer.
A good point, actually. Very fertile soils. Fault lines don’t really have an excuse though.
Now THAT’S a Hell of a way to start a story arc. And from Virus’ comments, this arc’s gonna be a doozy……
Remember, aspiring cultists and general ne’erdowells, always double check the schedules of the places you’re conducting your dark business in.
Anyone want to guess at who these cultists are dedicated to? Considering all the gore, and the general red theme, my guess would be The Hound. Come to think of it, when a god updates his image to fit with the times or avoid being the god of drunken slapfights, do his demons change as well? Has Ceberus’s appearance changed to fit his master’s more modern image?
I take it you haven’t seen Norigami. It would appear when the japanese gods of yesteryear update their image they’re flat broke and resort to day labor for slave wages and gold digging for financial security.
“Oh, don’t mind how grumpy Lorn is in that picture-he’s just upset that the cultist accidentally revealed that his True Name is actually John. Just John.”
God damn it dude!! now how can they sell souvenirs with doing demonic shit?!
Would you believe it? They meditated and introspected themselves all the way into heresy!
Oh, what’s that, brother Jack? Something about work and play?
Well, I guess this is what you get when you basically use slave labour to make your tourist tat.
I don’t know if I am just thinking too hard about things, but why would a room where monks transcribe have shackles to hang a person up?
Maybe it’s a repurposed tapestry holder.
Or something. Chains are very portable.
Well, originally, that was where the monks did their BDSM rituals, but then…
I give him points for honesty
Again, great start to a new storyarch.
And so begins the music video to the single greatest Mobian cover of R.E.M’s hit single of the same name as the comic.
Years later, when the planet boils and bubbles, civilizations outside it aboard a recommissioned satellite for viewing planetary collapses would watch the video, and deride it on age and the obvious usage of cheap dollar-store ketchup blends in lieu of fake blood.