And Virus returns to his artist duties. Good to have you back man. Silv did great work filling in for him while his PC was FUBAR’d, thanks Silv!

And now for some new Fanart. The first comes from Mr O.M.A of The Rogues Gallery (There I fixed it, OMA you Typo-Nazi ©), entitled Exterminatus Now: The Movie, let me be the first to say “Holy Shit! That’s Brilliant!”, thanks mate. There is also two pieces by my friend Drew which I think are pretty damn funny, one entitled Sonic Through The Years , and another LN VS EN . Thank Drew!

The Script Competition is now closed so dont send me anything else. I got some really good scripts, so it’s gonna be hard to choose a winner, I’ll announce the winner by next Friday at the latest.

That’s all from me at the moment, so enjoy this weeks comic.
