#441 – Now Available In New ‘Red Herring’ Flavour
Slightly less late! That’s kind of like early! And that brings this shaggy dog story to a close. It was fun to play with expectations. Even if some of you did gain an expectation of the Soylent Green allusion in advance.
I’m going to be taking some time off from the comic now; feeling a little burned, and the schedule is suffering for it. You wouldn’t know it by looking at it, but, on top of my day job, I spend a ridiculous amount of time doing this comic and nearly doing this comic. I wish I could say the strip is late because I’m doing cool things like playing vijogames. But anyone looking at my Steam or Xbox Live profiles would be able to tell you that’s not the case. No, it’s mostly making cups of tea and checking Twitter over and over. And spending far too long composing and tweaking simple posts like this, because I’m not very good at writing off-the-cuff, yet I want to give a false impression of wit and eloquence all the time ha ha please like me.
There should still be content updates occurring, in one form or another. We’re enquiring around for guest artists, maybe Silv will produce something, or I might doodle other assorted nonsenses. And I will be back at the helm before you know it, refreshed and ready to do whatever it is one does at a helm. Drive a spaceship? Protect one’s head from injury? Either way, I’ll be helming it up, big-time.
I see that a little more, and in the gang of four idiots will be the goner addict. Cool!
PS:Love Rogue face X)
Oh, those wacky cultists! They’re always so funny when their plans involving only killing themselves instead of destroying the world!
The fact that you ended up with the Morth icon for this comment makes it all the more perfect.
Funny thing: The Morth Icon is ALWAYS the one I get. I wonder if it’s related to the fact that the name I use starts with M, or maybe it’s trying to say something.
I believe the icons are generated from your email address (and possibly IP, not certain), so it’ll stay consistent as long as you’re using the same email account to comment from.
Different PCs give different avatars when using the same name and email. Before I got a gravatar, my random icon was different between my desktop and laptop.
I have the bad, bad feeling that something is going to happen to Lothar.
I do not know what exactly, but, you know, regarding what they were talking about….
Shit is going to hit the fan, I say.
Maybe he’ll get gang-green.
Heh heh, I kill me.
At this point, I give it 50-50 odds that if Lothar starts acting weird, it’s because Lothar is joking around. Not because of actually being possessed or something.
Chemical reaction between the dead people and the soda, Soda was the missing catalyst, not Cool-Ade. Think about it.
Also, we still don’t know about Simmons’ assignment.
Also? Blasphemy.
Will we get an epilogue strip where we see what happened in the Simmons-Schaefer sideplot?
We had no plans to, it was just a throwaway gag. Never even occurred to us to think about the events until people started commenting. We may do it as an extra sometime. Maybe a bonus story in a book!
Cool Cool, cool cool.
I just hope we don’t have to wait TOO long for a book, EN is probably one of the few webcomics I would buy in bookform.
The only reason the cult’s plan didn’t work is because they weren’t focusing their efforts to appeasing any of the Dark Gods (Fernax, Patterner, Soulthirster, and Hound). They were all just winging it under the influence of a crazed cult of personality and it turned into a worthless mass suicide.
So, all in all, a pretty nice breather episode here. Though, there IS a chance it could turn into a Chekov’s Gun here, considering Lothar was tainted with Fernax’s influence before……
Why would they need one of the Big Four? There are plenty of lesser gods out there.
A) He SAID Dark Gods, and then named the four we know of. He didn’t see it HAD to be one of those four.
B) It’s not like we could name any other dark gods.
Those other minor gods don’t have to have their own religions. They would probably be something like Greater Daemons in service of one of the main 4. Y’know, like Kevin or the Dogs of War.
They do have their own religions, and they are entirely their own things, not aspects of greater entities like the greater daemons/archangels.
I thought foreshadowing was frowned upon. *Sips cold coffee*
please tell me that what lothar is drinking is just either cola or pepsi, and not something he took from the vat of cool aide poeple.
I bet he has that vat of koo-laid simmering in a a private fridge.
Pretty sure that Lothar is drinking Cola, but I could be wrong.
Just need the Kool-Aid guy to burst through the wall and Eastwood unloading a round into his glass ass and this whole ordeal will truly have ruin my childhood.
Ruin your childhood? hmmm…
scroll to the middle and watch as the Kool Aide guy tries to save himself by drinking himself….
I’m loving how those chumps just annihilated themselves while achieving nothing, I’m sure it’s how 90% of all cultist plots actually end up going.
Have a nice break, Virus!
Well….THAT was anti-climactic.
My Gods! Did anyone else get that vibe of the Doc from Back to the Future from Boothroyd after this one?
Wasn’t going for that, but I’ll take it. Great Scott!
6th panel. second word balloon. it should say “but you’ll BE relieved…”
Fixed. Thanks.
Hey, nitpicking the artist is MY job.
Technically, this is “nitpicking the writer.”
No, Garry (Lothar) is the writer. Virus (the artist) typo-d. Unless he just copy-pasted. Then it’d be Loth.
This was Alan’s show, more or less. We hashed out the basics together, but Alan wrote up a lot of this himself. And even when we do give him scripts, he does doctor them to fit what works visually.
What I’m saying is, don’t blame the professional proofreader.
Or, we could just blame all of you, call it a day, and hit up a Sonic.
…Unless they don’t have Sonics in the U.K., and in that case, fuck all.
Thought so.
The professiona- wait, that’s what you do? You proofread the comic? Final-check and such? Ohhhh…
No, that’s what I do. As a career.
Ah! Cool. Yeah, that makes more sense.
Î believe that the writers have been converted into Patternari and are now making a red herring out of a red herring. If you understand what I mean.
Loved the red herring; not everything can be a demonic plot.
-reads through comic..stops at last panel-
Derp…buh…God…dammit, Lothar…
I do hope that the cultists were right, and that because Lothar is drinking the fancy fanta at a survivable rate he will gain a psionic ability. The ability to talk to hundreds of dead crazies.
This was so so awesome.
Given the sudden context on who exactly Inquisitor Deket is, I have to wonder how much damage was caused before that conclusion on the cola wars was reached.
As much as she demed nessecery, and no more.
Oh jumpin jiminy crickets. Please tell me that’s not what I think it is. Oivey.
So no magic voodoo going on, just plain old suicidal stupidity? them wacky cultists : D
they died for a good cause, Lothar got a nice vat of soft-drink to guzzle down!
Mark my words given what I know now this is more prophetic than anyone thinks. I’m telling you that this is going to come back to be said true about some drinks.