#452 – B-Story Sub-Subplot
June 2nd, 2013 |
Ho ho, good thing we’re following East and Loth as the A-Story, and not staying home with these losers, eh?
Ho ho, good thing we’re following East and Loth as the A-Story, and not staying home with these losers, eh?
I got two things to say
I don’t remember diarrhea having an O in it
and woo, first comment
I bet you also don’t remember colors having a “u” in it.
no, I know colors has a U in it depending on where you are, but I’ve never seen diarrhea spelled with an O, I take it they do that over in the UK?
Correct, a quick google search confirms this diagnosis.
wow, you learn something new everyday, but then again the word Diarrhea doesn’t come up in most conversations, so you really can’t blame me for not knowing, also I don’t read a lot of stuff that comes in from britain (I despise harry potter and J.K. Rowling immensely)
Why don’t we assume that’s how Virus pronounces it? It makes the strip that much more…. Something.
It kind of got away from me there.
It’s pronounced the same as diarrhea. Like phoenix, amoeba and subpoena. Apparently it happens when an ancient Greek word gets borrowed by Latin, which gets borrowed again by medieval English. Sometimes written as œ.
Logic bomb blew my mind.
wow, dude, are you a history major or an art major?
Neither. But I have this new thing called the internet? Lets you search for all kinds of things, it’s pretty good.
I have a habit of not trusting the internet, you know, since any moron can put something on there even though it’s complete bullcrap, the only time I use it is when I actually know what I’m looking for
Any moron can put something in a book or newspaper, too. Difference is THEY don’t have to tag it [citation needed].
alright, I get it, should’ve looked it up myself,
Yep, Harry called it.
your name… makes me want to go on a murderous rampage that will ultimately result in the deaths of the following celebrities
Seth MacFarlane
Justin Bieber
the Jonas Brothers
Miley Cirus
Selena gomez
(see a pattern yet?)
well, Seth’s not really a performer, more like a creator of bloody awful cartoons, but for the most part yeah, previously popular performers, though I think I’ll add one direction to the list of celebrities that would end up dead by the end of my rampage
People I don’t like and Seth MacFarlane?
What sort of runny, rotting, back- of- the- fridge food does it take to give a rat the runs?
Whatever redish yogurt thingy he is eating in the last pannel perhaps?
That’s Ben & Jerrys ice cream.
Exactly as foretold by the magical Eastwood.
wel atleast its nice to know what those 2 wil be up to while we follow lothar and east courtroom adventure.
And then the case is solved while we’re back watching these guys. Then we see a victory party.
for a second I though Virus was wearing a snuggie in the last panel, but no he is just wearing the regular lazyman’s uniform, also known as a bathrobe.
anyways why doesn’t Rogue just go out and do something interesting if he hates daytime TV so much? or is it the other way around and he is getting way too into the show?
Because there are those days, no matter how bored you are or annoyed with what’s on TV, you just can’t get off the couch. For me, I assume these days happen because my body literally needs me to remain in a power conserving state to properly recharge before another day of BS can be dealt with…..just my assumption anyway.
Rogue thrives on his own rage.
sure it’s not arrogance? ’cause he’s got that in spades
There’s a difference? Always thought rage and arrogance went hand-in-hand. I.e. Your so much better than everyone else, and your angry that they can’t see it.
now THAT’s the best reasoning I’ve heard
It’s YOU’RE not YOUR. That makes me so angry!!!
wow, dude, just chill and enjoy the comic
I am, that was kind of a riff on the above post by Gryphose :-)
Eh, I’m not offended. Wouldn’t be the first time I get those mixed up. At least this time someone pointed it out within a few days as opposed to a few years.
Dark blue Phoenix Wright suit for disadvantaged defense attorney: Check
Striped green vest and kickass laser visor for suave caffeinated prosecutor: Pending
you know, I wanted to say this back on the page where Lothar was casually drinking the kool-aid made from people (even after learning what it was made from), but since no one’s gonna give a thundering fuck to go back to that page I’ll say it here:
I don’t think it’s Lothar we have to worry about going insane and killing everyone, I think we should be more wary of Virus
how many times is my picture gonna change?
Until the end of time.
We’re following these loosers, ain’t we?
Yes. Yes we are.
See also the time when Lothar and Blasphemy was the B-Story.
I hope the TV gets possessed by a Fernex demon while Rogue’s boot is in flight and it gets thrown back at him.
The Fernex demon causes Pinkie Pie to become real and invade the EN reality.
Mind you…her mind may blow if she meets the versions of AJ and TS that we saw in the bar with all those assassins and bounty hunters. (Virus? Which one was that? It also had Deadpool?)
if you want the name of the bar. it was the cesspool
Oh knock it off with the fucking ponies.
did a pony step on your toys as a kid?
No, but I am fucking sick to the back teeth of seeing them get shoved in EVERYTHING.
your not the only one my friend, that show ruined the internet, the sad thing is, my brother is a brony
That reminds me. I wonder whether that Rainbow Dash suit is still lying around their house somewhere.
I imagine East has already burned it at this point, considering his *ahem* distaste for anything pony related
I suspect it burned when east blew off is pony conspiracy attic.
So east is wearing the same as Phoenix wright, this should be interesting.
Prosecutor: as you can see
East: HOLD IT!!
Prosecutor: but I hadn’t finished
sadly enough, with East being the quote/unquote “fucking geek” that he is, I can see that happening
Why can I picture Jeremy Clarkson’s head on Lothar’s body?
Because you stole all the nuts and the swiped the crackers as well?
… What?
couldn’t help but read the last part in that creepy old orange mother fucker’s voice (still can’t rememeber his name and don’t wanna google it cause images of him will appear and I’ll have nightmares)
A character in the comic?
David Dickinson
AKA: The man made out of wood
Eastwood? Wearing pants?? It’s so…weird.
your picture is relevant to the discussion above
Huh, fanart again. Well, not the best theme to draw, but… Wellcome, gender-bender! :D
I wonder how harry would react to that
fear. fuck. everything. and. run. XD
oh yeah, probably, man I wish I could daw half as well as you or virus, but art was never my cup of tea, I’m more history savvy
Well, what can I say, everyone has his own talent =) to be a writer (like be an artist) is talent as well. I do not see nothing wrong with that.
double negatives FTW XD
MegaDISia gets a pass on that, as English is their second language. :)
didn’t mean anything by it, I just found it funny
“Ho ho, good thing we’re following East and Loth as the A-Story, and not staying home with these losers, eh?”
So we are are following the Arseholes then?
You know I realise this is kind of late for a comment on mistakes, but is it suppposed to be “Try not to Doing anything stupid or interesting” in Lothar’s speech bubble in the first panel, and I don’t get how that hasn’t popped up in a comment before now, it’s almost riduculously obivious.
As compared to “Try not to do anything stupid or interesting” sorry forgot to put the correction in; it’s a crying shame I can’t use red pen.
Wow, you’re right, how did that even happen? Fixed, thanks.
I think there was a pyschological study that found people, who where remarkably familiar with the grammatical structure of a language, wouldn’t notice mistakes, their brains reading the incorrect words as the correct version if they wheren’t paying close enough attention, so yeah, just plain old human fallabilacy (I do not think I spelled taht correctly, but who cares)
Well we are highly fallible creatures. It’s just that I’m usually pretty sharp at catching errors myself, and Stuart is a proof reader by trade, so it slipping by both of us is unusual.
The usual response is it’s a lot more difficult to proof something you’ve written as you know what is supposed to go where.
I smiled reading this when it said “who where remarkably familiar” and “they wheren’t”
are we trying to push for a hundred comments before these guys update again?
0N1Y 25 70 60
Didn’t make it, well that’s depressing and I don’t know why
meh, we came close
It would be hiarious if Virus was turned into a girl just so he could complete East’s prediction!
18 70 60
Ok. Somethings gonna happen and those two are going on an adventure. I just know it. Also, kudos if it happens because 1) we were promised aRogue/Virus sublot AGES ago and 2) they are my two faves.
Ok. Somethings gonna happen and those two are going on an adventure. I just know it. Also, kudos if it happens because 1) we were promised a Rogue/Virus sublot AGES ago and 2) they are my two faves.
On the brightside, at least Vi isn’t watching soap operas, am I right?