#451 – Horatio von Googlyeyes, Attorney
May 26th, 2013 |
Part 1 of some.
My webmaster tells me that our hosting provider tells him that we got switched over to some new server hardware. Should hopefully solve the intermittent outages we’ve had in the recent weeks/months. We’re going to need it, what with all that sweet Guardian traffic we’re pullin down!
Y’know, i’d hire East as a lawyer just based on that pose in panel 5. I’d probably immediately regret my decision, but for the briefest of moments i’d feel untouchable.
I’m fairly certain that’s how most lawyers get cases.
hey Lothar, how many lawyer jokes do you know? I only know one unfortunately
Problem is, he’s pointing with the wrong hand to make him epic-worthy. :-)
…I’d hire the hat again.
Seconded. I would be willing to bet that the fact that the lawyer was his HAT made the jury think twice before attempting to find him guilty.
If nothing else it would help him plead insanity.
hiring eastwood is a good sign that your insane
I concur, between Eastwood and the googley eyed hat, you’d have a better chance with the hat. I foresee bad things coming out of East’s mouth and just causing more problems than he would solve.
Ya know…I would rather hire the hat. At least it can distract them while I make a getaway.
On another note, how could Lothar get summoned for file sharing? Like Virus said, he should have Inquisitorial Immunity. Or is File Sharing somehow worse than genocide?
Awesome I got the Beaver as my avatar! 8D
The joke is how every country on earth seems to hate internet piracy more than half the shit Lothar gets up to.
reminds me abuot this one http://i.imgur.com/LGUtT.jpg
Of course it is.
File Sharing > Copyright Infringement > Procedure 110-Montauk > …
Something like that.
And genocide is only in second dozen. More to the end of it.
im amazed lothar obeyed the drescode for a courtroom and wear a tie in the last panel.
also id take my chances with east as lawyer.
For some reason, now with the Sonic/Megaman crossover going on, I’m actually expecting this reality’s version of Phoenix Wright to show up and help Lothar.
…and why did my Gravitar change from the lion-esque god to the bookend?!?
Every time I add new ones to the list it recalculates all the assignments. So you’ll be the bookend until I get enoughbpictures to do another run.
Tempted already, just to add Lothar’s “lawyer” :)
whats stopping you ?
Laziness? Also I prefer to run in batches. Letting them all change for one new avatar seems a bit much to me, I prefer to have at least half a dozen ready before adding a new run.
Keep him as the bookend, it’s the best position he’s even held in his life.
(Just kiddin’, Anth) Ah, but seriously, I’d hire the hat again. It’s been my experience that people with googly eyes are less likely to gouge you for frivolous fees.
well, that would explain how my picture went from wildfire to xerxes
Well, that had just GOT me. Had me bursting out like an idiot the more I looked at/think about it. Plus the easy description.
just noticed that the 4 councilmen with our friendly bear included are also part of the banner group now.
I don’t know about the UK, but copyright infringement isn’t criminal in the US; it’s a civil matter. That means even in jurisdictions where they use court summons and those summons can be properly served through the mail, you can’t receive a civil complaint that way. It has to be personally served on you.
It’s a civil issue here as well, I think. But who knows how things have changed by the 41st milenium/ whenever this is acctually set (can’t remember off the top of my head…)
Also, Lothar’s expression on the final panel. Day made.
It’s been said a million times before, but the expressions in this comic are great. I love that fifth panel.
How long ago was that court case? Lothar has his new bionics he got in Taika; you can tell by the elbow.
A number of the things we’ve seen him do since then could definitely land him in a courtroom.
My money is on the nun sniping.
Suppose that makes sense, one of the only things his immunity wouldn’t protect against is the reckless killing of a servant of one of the Just Gods; the ones the inquisition is also meant to serve.
Here’s hoping the prosecutor looks like Godot from Ace Attorney.
Also, here’s hoping the EN guys know what the hell Ace Attorney is.
Interestingly, I’m the only one who hasn’t played them.
But also interestingly, I’ve never seen Harvey Birdman. How’d I do on that pose?
Worked for me. Watched a few eps on the Adult Swim site, seems to match up nicely.
I remember that show from when I was younger, even then I thought that show was full of crap, considering certain shows adult swim airs usually are *cough* family guy* cough*
So in the EN universe, is Harvey Birdman a actual Mobian bird that dresses as an Overlander?
Oh, there BETTER be an Ace Attorney joke in there…
Cool, I’m the muse!
Again, I used to be the god of wisdom.
Now I’m a pony.
You poor, poor soul…
I’d hire eastwood just based on those poses XD
all together now: OBJECTION!!!
Forgot about that one.
I imagine the hat was held in contempt for failing to wear a tie, for making funny faces while the prosecutor was talking and for having a closing statement that consisted soley of ‘spoooooooiiiiing’.
Lothar should know if you want a really good lawyer find someone who has played at least 1 chapter of Ace Attorney.
Bonus: The courts in that game is how court systems work in Japan I shit you not.
Lothar’s hat lawyer is the best thing ever.
Heard about your comic recently and I just got done reading through everything up to now. I have to say, great stuff and lovin it! Already got 3 friends reading through it as well.
Awesome, welcome aboard. Thanks!
wanna know the best way to avoid a court summons? don’t get caught, it works wonders for me
It could have been worse. Instead of a court summons, he could have been called in for jury duty. *shudders*
ha, now THAT’S unavoidable
This is going to end hilariously.
Does anything not in these stories?
True, true… Especially when hats are involved.
Between the hat and Eastwood I’d try and force Virus to take the case. he is at least somewhat knowledgeable about law compared to East.
I honestly think Virus is the only genuinely nice guy on the team, kind of why he’s my favorite character
To be fair, the bar for comparison isn’t set very high.
ha, I’ll give you that, virus is nice compared to the others who seem to make it a point to be an A-hole in one way or another
Heh. You know, this comic has perfect timing, considering the fact that I’ve been following the absolutely bizarre cautionary tale of porn copyright troll Prenda Law (they “specialize” in going after filesharer for copyrighted porn they probably uploaded to ze Bittorrent swarms themselves, given recent evidence). If you don’t know who those assclowns are, look ‘em up on sites like DieTrollDie, Techdirt, or ArsTechnica.
It’s like watching a train crash times infinity cubed. You want to look away, but you just can’t!
Yeah, Lothar should think twice. Plus, file sharing isn’ ttht big a deal. Some poeple don’t WANT to spend money on somethign they are only going to watch once adn then chuck. They should allow something to be previewed online, then if they decide they like it and want to watch more of it or again, or whatever then they buy the stuff. Makes sense in my mind. I mean, that’s how I discovered a lot of anime. I watch fansubs adn then went out of my way to buy it because I liked it so much. If I hadn’t liked it, I wouldn’t have wasted money on it.