#469 – Who’s Your Daddy-Issue?
December 8th, 2013 |
Why did this take so loooong.
This comic is a sequel to 2012′s B-Team two-parter, The Lair of the Iron King
That’s the trouble with being Hollywood-esque action superstars; there’s always a villain successor around to act as sequel-fodder.

Maybe after she kicks his ass around the parking lot once or twice, she’ll at least tell the others which precinct lock-up she’s dragging his carcass to for further processing.
All I’ve gotta say is that the title of this comic is pure genius. Another hit out of the park, dudes!
Called it from the first two panes. The moment I saw members of B-Team and heard the villain’s name I called it. Hooray for finally being genre savvy! Great one guys, made me smile. Just one question, is she going to release Damien’s teammates before or after they make wanna-wanna-bang-bang?
Oops sorry, *panels*.
It’s been over a year since that comic? That doesn’t sound right.
Awesome. All the more reason NOT to let the Badass team EVER team up with the main protagonists.
If they ever met, it would likely cause chaos that would make the world implode, then explode, then reform itself and become the shape of a lawnmower.
So, basically, it would be a normal Thursday for the main crew, and a very weird day for the B-Team. (B for Badass, of course.)
I believe the teams’ inquisitors have met… I seem to recall them chatting & drinking at a gathering of some sort.
Eastwood knows Xellos (iirc that’s the bats name.) as the latter enjoys bragging to him about his acomplishments
Xandius, and yes. They were in the same graduating class as well.
Well, chalk that up to not keeping up on the cast pages.
Huh. That DOES make me wonder if they’ll ever go on a mission together.
Could the incompetent effectiveness of the regular cast be balanced with the nigh hyper competence of the B cast and still be funny?
The world may never know!
More than likely, Team Eastwood would end up sacrificing all the members of the B-Team to a greater daemon accidentally.
i’m pretty sure that Damien and Eastwood probably have met heh. its sorta hinted very slightly that he may have been in fact… TRAINED! by Eastwood heh. they do have a similar manner, just Damien’s a whole lot better at it all heh.
it says in his cast thing, That he has achieved all of his great status, DESPITE who he was trained by, is nothing short of Astounding.
dunno about you, but it clicks in my head.
There is one thing I constantly find amazing in Exterminatus Now : character designs.
I have a hard time remembering a character whose design I did not find interesting, inspired or researched (then again those would be the ones to be forgotten first ;) ).
.. So, as far as I am concerned, do not hesitate to keep widening the EN universe with spin-offs and such.
Cheers! “The Iron Princess” is largely Silversword’s doing this time around. Character designs are easy compared to the mechanical gubbins though. Largely why this one took so long.
I just noticed that rogue already’s got the popcorn out. Shouldn’t he give Harry a cha-oh, what the the hell am I saying? Eastwood’s going to end up in traction isn’t he.
I kinda wanna see Team’s A, B, and C team up for one mission, mostly because I wanna see the look on Virus, Eastwood, and Lothar’s faces when they see Wildfire again
and dang Damien, seriously, what is your secret?
Spike, I possess the deft touch. I know tae kwon leap, hop gone don juan, and the kamasutra among other erotically themed and esoteric martial arts. Plus, as a master of seductive reasoning I possess knowledge far beyond those of unrequited lovers and narcissists.
First, I lather up using axe body wash and deodorize with old spice in the magic waters from an irish spring. I then meticulously pluck the flews from my eyelashes, and make a wish on every one. Finally, I talc myself with chinchilla, lemon, and moon dust respectively.
My theory, of course, is that it has nothing to do with my daily rituals. I was discussing it with my mom, and her theory is that is that on the day I was born the angels got together and decided that birds would suddenly appear every time the stars fell from the heavens and I really wouldn’t want to bore you with the details…
However, a few simple things you can do to improve your chances with the opposite sex or samesies is to wear clothes that fit, be really really confident, be the second man she see’s (preferably after Eastwood), and study Rogerian psychology. The only other piece of advice I could offer would be to have lots of money or a good sense of humor, I’m not saying finding a mate is a struggle over resources, but who am I kidding.
actually I found a girl, granted it’s long-distance but I really like her, she’s really nice and adorable to boot, aaand she’s 3 years older than me so bonus B)
I forgot what c team was but a and b would do some amazing work. with b team goofing there way to victory a will make sure they don’t die.
C-team is the team that Wildfire joined earlier in 2013. Comic #450 – Only You Can Prevent Wildfires.
screw a and b sign me up for c ^^ i’ll take Seb’s place among the crazy.
you are so willing to get some, that you are willing to embrace the crazy? … I think you may need help…
not really but the crazy might lighten the mood and bring adventure
Don’t stick your dick in crazy
Don’t give crazy a baby
Don’t marry crazy
Those are the three rules you need to know for a happy and stress-free romantic life
are you kidding? I’d join the C-team just so I could sit back and watch them cause havoc, thaaaat and I have a love of fires and explosions, plus I’m just as nuts as they are
If you have that much of a love for explosions and fire, just watch a Micheal Bay ‘movie’, I recommend “Bad Boys” or “Armagedon”.
Personally I just play Pathfinder, and Borderlands 2
never played pathfinder but I loves me some Borderlands 2, ever heard of Dan Bull? he did a truly glorious rap of it’s theme song
^^ action and explotions are the best..i think i got missunderstood Oo marry? i don’t think i’ll live long enough with crazy team it’s best to avoid that situation and just go for the ride into the demons den. xp explotions bay stlye.
I wonder what kind of fancy tech is built in into that wheel lock. Or is it just bolted to the pavement?
Must be damn big bolts, because something tells me that the Spectre can probably rip normal ones out with ease.
Homing Tag?
Wait.. Rogue doesn’t have any pockets large enough to store that popcorn.
So either he just so happened to have popcorn, or he noticed they were illegally parked before they left, and bought popcorn while on the way back just so he’d have a snack to watch the ensuing shenanigans when they got back to the Spectre…
Or it’s just a visual joke and I should stop dissecting the humour… Yes… Yes, I think this is more likely.
Don’t have to stop breaking down the joke it can lead to fun thoughts to how they arrived to the situation, in this I’m guessing it’s a visual thing like he’s thinking. ‘Can’t wait for this, no one help him out.’
Maybe they just got out of the movies.
You reckon they went to see whatever horible equivalent of “I Frankenstein” exists in the EN universe?
I don’t think you can seduce the sort of person who boots a gunship. They’re way tougher than machine worshippers.
Good aar movement to show moods.
About as much sense as an episode of Alias. Considering the genre, I guess that makes it a success.
I would say something like the force is strong with that one, if I wasn’t so sure Eastwood was abut to get a crack in the family jewels.
Where’s a 12th century Nostrodamus with access to technology from the future anyway?
Surely, the inquisition’s demolition crew needs to take care of him before they worry about a parking ticket… And, how does the boot work on a hovercraft anyway; is it bolted to the ground in some fashion?(I am of course referring to the yellow locking device on the front, I’m afraid I don’t know another title or colloquialism for the device, and I know people refer to a trunk as a boot in the united kingdom. As such, I apologize for any confusion as I am well aware how a loading bay should operate in theory if not in practice.)
These 2 squads have GOT to meet sometime. I want that so badly.
I love how Damien just keeps getting different girls left and right and how it is portrayed as true love when clearly its like a hour long relationship. Its like a stab at every crappy B movie romance ever.
That’s the thing. It _must_ be a true love, even if it lasts for only a hour, and you both know it.
He is the soul mate of a lot of very specific women. Every now and then some guy with that status comes along.
hah, I like little sweet things like that, she just needs some “biological loving”…so does that traffic warden, what a sight that’ll be
So one must wonder, if Cassandra did go through with her father’s plan and eliminate the B-Team at the same time, would she have the Fernexian standard robotic exoskeleton conversion under her Mobian flesh? And more importantly, how many Fernexian cultists have done the same thing?
Well, “Fernexian standard” implies that it happens regularly, which is does not. Each Fernexite worshipper takes to their inevitable cybernetic replacements differently. That the Iron King left flesh -over- his mechano augmentation instead of just replacing sections wholesale is rspecially unusual. Not unheard of, but unusual.
Otherwise the B-Team would’ve spotted it coming, naturally. They are, after all, incredibly good at what they do.
The B-team is ever so awesome. Too awesome, mind you. It would be cool to see their adventures in full, but they’re more movie material and it would have to be short bursts. The laid back, tv serial, of the A-team (can’t help but think of Hannibal and his team there) is much more entertaining on weekly basis.
Oh, yeah, and East is about to be tased. Again. Most likely booked. Yeah. Do they have enough cash for bail?
I think B team is my favorite just for existing in the same universe as the four usual misfits. You nail cheesy Hollywood action movie tropes forever.
Isn’t this technically a sequel of a sequel as isn’t the father from lair of the iron King the same one who was in a snowy base a long time ago, with the transvestites?