#476 – Seeking Tall, Leggy Redhead
February 22nd, 2014 |
So everybody pumped about that thing? You know the one you keep hearing all that buzz about in the news. All that excitement and adrenaline in a faraway land, as brave men and women combine peak physical conditioning with cutting edge technology resulting in the ultimate competition.
The Olwhatpics? No dumbass, Titanfall. Just pre-ordered today.
Confidential to Garrus: You’re welcome.

Congratulations Garrus, now you’ve got a girl with reach AND flexibility.
Oh! so that’s what happened to Morth. She’s looking well, in a Tim Curry sort of way.
Loving the design on the Horned Toad Esper. If he is indeed a horned toad. The ant and the owl are a little less cool, but still nice.
why am I suddenly reminded of American Dragon: Jake Long here?
That could be me, my vocal range is somewhere near Dante Brasco’s. Although, obviously, I have a southern accent (or twang) and am not a voice actor, dancer, or otherwise trained in the celebrity arts.
that did not answer my question in any way, shape, or form, and your “Answer” confused me
I like to imagine voices when I read chat scroll and when I write. I assume others are equally blessed and I like to think some essence of voice or spirit is encoded into the way we transmit ideas. After all, our bodies are our only way of connecting with the world around us and interacting with our tools. I apologize for assuming others felt the same way.
As for the confusion, Dante Brasco is voice actor I sound similar too. I know this because I was a visual media major in college and had to do much audio recording and editing. Dante Brasco is the voice actor for Jake Long.
While I have not answered your question in the manner expected, I did answer your question with a possibility that relies upon cognitive complexity. Forgive me, I was expecting a fellow of infinite jest and wisdom. It might be in your best interest to clarify or direct your questions to someone else in the future. Thank you for calling attention to my ignorance, as hope that we can become better acquainted at a later time…
However, I must inform, you have piqued my curiosity.
What is it about the page that reminded you of American Dragon: Jake Long?
What were you suggesting?
On the note of imagining voices when we read text, I can say from experience that everyone does that, but no, generally people will not always get the same mental voice from the same text and/or image.
Although there was this one time I told a friend of mine about a dream I had that included one of my characters speaking in a different voice than I meant for him to sound like only for her to tell me the way I described the “wrong” voice was what *she* thought he was supposed to sound like…
*Basco. It’s Dante Basco. Please take this to heart.
Whoops! Although I’m not a voice chasser of a casting agent so chances are it would have no effect on anything… I don’t attend conventions either. I get names mixed up some times. In the past I’ve mixed up Tyler Labene with Tyler Perry. Some people got really offended. I’ve also confused Chris Rock with Chris Tucker and Levar Burton with Phil Lamar. It doesn’t happen with people I interact with because knowing who they are is shows interest and is crucial to survival. The more people you encounter the greater the likelyhood you’ll meet people with simmilar sounding names, or the same name.
you know what, fuck it, I’m just gonna peg it as reminding me of the spider chick veronica and be done
Has anyone ever told you that you talk ALOT?
several times, do I give a shit? hell no
Spike: I was reffering to Slimecat.
oh, sorry
It would appear that Inquisitor Kortez’s lecture may have some bearing on future events…
If that is his real name. ;P
But seriously, I would not have made that connection until a reread of the comic. Thank you.
Also, look at the woman opposite Morth during the funeral for the family of The Everchosen of the Four.
It does seem that they’re taking the Hound’s suggestion on their pick of ‘Chosen One’ this time.
Also Harry might be stingy, but he knows real value when it’s there: 4x 99 flakes from the ice cream van. Everyone likes it. It’s heresy to not like it.
I’m talking about the redheaded, spiderish looking lady on the right side of the second panel from that comic. She and this mysterious drider look rather similar….and speaking of Inquistor Kortez’s lecture, I think I spy the edges of a black widow hourglass on her spider abdomen-about where Rogue’s hand is behind the hologram.
That actually just Rogue’s hand bleeding through the image. Besides, Black Widow markings on the top of the abdomen, not bottom. I mean she’s probably a BW anyway, but still.
Willing to bet she likes Eastwood just because he is terrified by spiders. Rule of funny – if it can be played for laughs then it shall be done!
“Seven bullets aren’t enough! I need to mod this revolver to hold at least 8 bullets!”
…”killed during image retrieval”? What a waste of an esper.
Espers are D-class personnel. They are meant to be wasted – as any ablative shield.
I was more under the impression that esper was one of the ones whose head was exploded by the process of retrieving the image, though said image still managed to get through.
in essence, they are the red shirts of this series, though D-class works if you use SCP terms… unless I’m a huge nerd who’s just overanalyzing things
oh. Its loth. i get it.
or another Black chick that can turn into a Spider(Drider) :p
Anyway.It seems like good start for another Hilarious Adventure.Can’t wait.
A traditionally Patternari body but with a Soulthirster’s color scheme ? One has to wonder how many dark gods are dotting upon this little chosen one.
It seems more than one of the previous one-shot comics may have been foreshadowing of things to come …
Unfortunately for her, my predictions for the surviving esper to become a supporting character were fatally wrong.
Thanks Virus!
“You’re welcome” may’ve sounded conceited, I apologise. Please read it in the winking, jokey tone it was intended. In fact, thank you for the suggestion.
No prob. I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I went with what *I* felt would not be construed as conceited. I knew what you meant, so you don’t have anything to apologize for.
Dare I ask….why was she killed during image retrieval? I mean, are they really that callous o their personnel that they don’t bother to figure out safe ways to retrieve images from their comatose ESPers? Man, I thought Safeway was indifferent to their employees.
Love Harr’s reaction to the spiderlady. Can’t wait to actually meet up with her, either.
Also, Lothar is looking better Virus, I think your gettign the hang of his new design.
Call it callous, but when the safety of the world and threat of demonic infestation is at hand, I think one dead Esper is a small price to pay. Oh, and who is to say she didn’t die from going into shock again while the images were ‘extracted’ without the inquisition truly being at fault?
They probably did the trawl at Alpha level to gain the max detail, which tends to fry synapses in the process… or have I been reading too much “Relevation Space” again?
I suppose it’s possible I jumped to the wrong conclusion, but they haven’t exactly given me reason to think otherwise on this. But you do have a point.
Nobody ever referred to any sort of Inquisition, throughout history or fiction, as ‘nice’. Lou Cypher there has a good take on it; probably didn’t mean to, but it was considered acceptable risk.
Unfortunately you are not wrong there. Just another thing for me to dislike about the human race.
Hey now, the human race is pretty cool, overall. Art, and music, and literature, and amazing tiny miracle computers that fit in your pocket and connect to all the world’s knowledge through the very air itself AND play Angry Birds. Some humans are jerks though, and sometimes great swathes of people get a shitty idea drilled into them and make life tough for other chunks of the population. But in general, I’m a fan.
Sorry. I get like that when I am having a low. Especially a low set on by all the judgemental and hypocritical egotists out there. It’s not fun being an unmedicated bipolar 2 patient.
Anyway, yes. There are so many things out there that the human race has accomplished that are good. I need to stop dwelling on the crappy and focus on the good. Easier said then done, of course, but I have my good days.
Anyway, you guys are some of the brighter spots. I love this comic, even if it does make me wonder if I’m sinning by reading it.
Hmm, sin, eh? Seems to me that any authority figure that would punish and shame you for enjoying a story and having a few laughs without hurting yourself or others might be one of those judgemental, hypocritical egotists you were talking about.
Meh That’s just me. Strictly speaking, I’m paranoid about a lot of things (not a conspiracy theorist, mind you, I just don’t trust easy and this topic is one reason why). I really do dislike organized religion, but I am a vehement believer in God and stuff. I just don’t fully understand all the internal politics of it all and I have my doubts on how much of the written word is actually true. Catholicism spent a great deal of time running the world and using the fear of God to make people do what they want. Anything written can be changed at will.
Anyway, I think I’m encroaching on forbidden territory here so I will drop it. All in all, I feel that if it’s a story of good vrs. evil, or in the case of our protagonists, fallibility vrs.pure evil, and it has an amazing story that’s absolute fun to read, then alls good for the most part.
I think Terry Pratchett and Nail Gaiman said in Good Omens that it helps to understand human history if you remember that much of human history- good and bad- is understandable if you accept that most of it is caused by people being neither fundamentally bad or good, but instead by them just being people.
Very true. Nothing is truly black and white, human history is filled to the brim with grey areas because to to each one, they think they are right and the other is wrong. I’ll admit that there are a lot of depraved and evil people out there, but mostly it’s just poeple being close minded and selfish in their beliefs, If people wold keep in mind the words ‘To Each Their Own’, we wouldn’t have as many conflicts.
So I take it the woman in the last picture’s the only girl who would find Harry attractive?
that would be incredibly cliché and yet hilarious at the same time, especially if she turned out to be one of those creepy stalker chicks or rather forceful romantics XD
And she can even make her own ropes to tie him up with!
Hey, these guys managed to turn the classic “Nobody expects the Inquisition” joke into something that was actually kinda awesome.
And Harry technically deserves a break. Having a girl be interested in him would be hilarious. Especially if it’s someone like her…
Nonono. See, that would not be giving him a break. This would be more like putting a huge, juicy, dripping steak in front of a starving dog…and then yanking it away at the last second reveal a huge, nasty spider underneath.
why would we want to give that perv a break? I say let the spider kidnap the fox
Not sure how much of a fake-out that would be if Harry KNOWS it’s a spider already.
I’d find it hilarious if she liked Harry, and completely ignored Damien when he shows up.
… ‘mean, granted, it’s not likely Damien will show up, but hey, a guy can dream.
I’m thinking they’ll meet her in non-spider form…and then she’ll transform in front of them.
Hmm… A possible Patternari and Soulthirster alliance?
Did you get Titanfall on PC or Xbox(1/360)?
Unsubscribe? eastwood i thought you liked demon chick? remember near your first mission with the shapeshifters? xp don’t run from miss spider, she haves pretty hair.
Love of Demon Ladytype < Fear of Spiders.
Yeah, I’d have thought he’d at least consider the possibilities before deciding that all the kink in the world doesn’t make up for the strong likelihood of being killed at the end.
Like Maverick said.
Eastwood has a full-blown phobia of spiders. That kind of thing can easily override thinking in one’s pants (figuratively speaking in this case, since Eastwood doesn’t wear them :P ).
Or at least it changes which side of the pants takes action.
Took me a minute. Well played.
Maverick xp i know that im just being a heel xp
as for everyone. the demon turned him on till he seen the spider. i think it would be funny if she would hit on him. oh the problems that can arise from the situation makes me able to laugh at him more. :D
I like the look of the spider chick so far :D
Huh. You really CAN land a jet behind an ice cream van and kids will still choose creamy goodness over huge spaceship.
They should call in the B team as backup later on. That way either Damien will turn the daemon or she’ll eat him. A win-win scenario for our heroes.
harry’s had a haircut between strips it seems.
Check again, he had the new ‘do last week.
pasgaw, the legs don’t ruin it, just make it more interesting~
Did you change Luthor’s color scheme?
Lothar. Not since last week!
And so the threads of fate come together. Slowly, bit by bit, hints of what is to come become more clear. A Patternari agent apparently with Soulthirster colors, mentions of a spider themed cult from earlier, and we saw this woman or someone very like her present with the previous Everchosen.
With the way things are coming together, I think there’s a chance Morth might come back as well. Might being the operative word here, we’ll see what our writers have for us. On a side note, love how the spider-woman was drawn in the last two panels, kudos to whoever did it.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave. There are still two prior call-forwards nobody’s picked up yet. Maybe three (but it was at the beginning of the story, so doesn’t really call forward very far). Considering the 2004 date I gave, they could be basically anywhere in the archive though. So good luck.
1. Virus finally gets to drive the Spectre
2. Stoned/Infatuated Cultists hug Eastwood’s tail while squealing over how FLUFFY it is.
3. Lothar develops arachnophobia.
4. Eastwood demanding Exterminatus…REPEATEDLY.
5. Eastwood gets elected God-Emperor of Mobius.
where did East’s arachnophobia come from exactly? was he born with it or is there some reason that hasn’t been explored yet?
So… apparently Lothar is gray instead of dark blue? Hooray for moar art changes? I have no clue whether or not to celebrate. XD
I read the comments JUST to see if there was any explanation for this.
Arachene is here! :D
At least Harry has SOME perversion limits. XD Also, I can’t help be be reminded of that two page arc where our heroes failed to stop a cultist from offing himself. Feel like its gonna be important here…..
…It’s not going to turn out that these four are their own infernal four who do the ever-choosing, is it?
Because that would be absurd.
She might be the patterners(sp?) daughter.She also might fall for harry and try to corrupt him into being her second-in-command/lover.
“I can do horrible things WITH you instead of TO you!”
“Hey, just because I’m part spider doesn’t mean I’ll eat you!!”
“Okay maybe just a nibble.”
are you quoting Dionne from Precocious there, Garrus?
Yup. Seemed appropriate. That girl could easily be a fifth Dark God.
that it is and that she could
that line was so full of double-entendre you could put it in a porno and it still wouldn’t be out of place
now if we really want to cause Eastwood to have a mental overload, she could offer him coffee for servitude. he would be getting so many mixed signals he might go comatose.
The last time spiders and coffee were combined, Eastwood shot up half a space station full of giant spiders to get to it. I’m not sure that’s a good idea…
Just took a better look at the last two panels. Am I ust not seeing it because he’s behind the hologram, or is Rogue the only one whose expression did NOT change upon seeing spiderlegs? Lothar’s and Viru’s eyes widened, but I can’t see a visible change in Rogues. I find that very interesting. Has Rogue seen something like this before, maybe?
Just lazy. Lothar was lucky to get an edit, truth be told.
Oh, c’mon! It’s just the details, it is not necessary to draw em. Also, Lothar’s eye changed just a lil bit. Even if Rogue had any changes, it would be just not visible through hologram. Stylization, duh.
Still, in my mind I like the fact that Rogue was the only one not to react. It makes it more amusing. A kind of ‘Eh. Been there, done that’, kinda vibe, even if it’s a bluff. That is how I shall forver see this page. Unless it gets another edit. Which I hope it doesn’t. lol
You deserve a REAL man, Garrus.