#480 – Sacroscandal
April 13th, 2014 |
Oh hey. Long time no see. What have you been up to? Me, I was working on a thing for a thing. Took longer than I thought. And cost more than I hoped, and I still don’t know if I’ll get them in time. But I’m looking forward to seeing EN in print at last, if only one short story.
No, I will Not Type “first comment” like some Irritating Tosser, & Anyone who does can Rot with all those Morons who Quote lines from YouTube Videos in the Comments of Said Videos!
so your going to make a post to point out your not going to make a post saying you posted first but in doing so you’ll make a post to point out you posted first :P
verrrrrrrry sneaky :p
I also Robbed All of those “first poster” Ponces of the Satisfaction of making the First Post by Posting First.
I fail to see how being one of them robs them of anything…
Because I Used the First Post to Decry their Practices. Being able to Annoy those who are Annoyed by “first posters” is just Gravy.
*Slow clap*
Oh wow, you’ve finally managed to put EN in print form? Awesome! That must be quite a victory for you guys! Even if it’s only a short story, as Virus said.
Still, just curious: aren’t you afraid Sega or any of its associates will object in any way? I’m willing to guess you took precautions should it happen, though
I Think it’s Okay as long as they Only Use the Art-Style Without making Too Many References to Any Copy-Written Materials.
I think they’ve met the minum three changes and three year rule required for video game forgery….knock off justification…. It is a Parody right, that should still be copyright safe in the USA.
You think SEGA are the ones they should worry about?
GW’s legal department is frequently cited as evidence of the devil’s existence and involvement in earthly affairs…
WHo/what is GW?
Games workshop, owners of the Warhammer universe. Very, very litigious..
The old head of legal left rather abruptly, and the scuttlebutt is they were given the push because of the inordinate number of cases they were starting, often on shaky grounds, for no real gain and usually a massive loss of goodwill.
Though fwiw, I’d rather not start the same old tired discussions about the various recent cases.
I believe Comicgenesis/Keenspace already released the ‘Exterminatus Now’ promo comic, in print, during the first Free Comic Book Day back in 2005. So, I’m pretty sure it’s is safe for printing in the United States. In fact, I think I still have a the magazine/comic somewhere.
Impressive trivia knowledge!
Not really, It turns out the first free comic book day was in 2002 according to wikipedia…I guess EN has been around a while. I do remember the one or two page comic available in the Comicgenesis promo mag was in black and white and featured a story about the toaster.
I would like to thank you for your patience with me.
this work is different enough from both the sonic universe (you can’t copyright the concept of humanoin animals, on the characters and the EN rew looks different enough to work) and from games workshop to be fine
so long as they don’t publish the pages with tzeetch and pat having their fights, anywho XD
Harry? have you considered decaf?
I don’t understand how it was defiled. All I see at the moment is the deadly outhouse hourglass that warns of the great honey dipper virus known throughout the southern lands to be spread by widowed spiders…
Honestly, If there was more to the iconoclasm than missing heads and painted shorts and shirts I might consider it defiled. As it stands, everything is easily repairable. To consider it truly defiled, they would have had to use the traditional graffiti for Bigus Dickus of Rome just bellow the widow’s hour glass… and while we’re at it, surely you can throw in a killroy gag featuring Lothar’s self portrait and a bloody wall. It’s the traditional iconoclasm of scouts after all.
Man, the Gods Of Justice must really suck at keeping their followers on the straight and narrow. You always hear about the good guys going insane and becoming corrupted, but do the evil ever become purified by being tainted with the Light or something?
Hah! The gods of justice are not as forgiving as the dark gods. Become purified by the light – see how much good that does you avoiding a sentence of painful, painful death.
That, or the Dark Gods offer better benefits.
Namely, that they actually HAVE benefits that you get in this life.
Keywords here are “In this life”. The gods of justice are all about working for the long term while making the world a better place through hard work and tenacity whereas the dark gods are more akin to instant gratification and fuck all to your fellow beings. Sure there may be a sacrifice here and there required and some really REALLY good PR for the necessary draw, but it pays off in the long run and can be enjoyed in this and, in some cases, the next life (i.e. Silas Morth)
It would be very silly for the next comic to have someone poke their head up from the statue, look around and then climb out to follow them. Which is why I want it.
Tourist brochures must have to all be updateable in real time. “We were going to go to the Cathedral of Eternal Purity, but it got desecrated yesterday by the Unholy Order of Ironic Skulduggery. So instead we’re on our way to the Synagogue of Soothing Waters assuming it doesn’t get trashed by the Monks of Relative Discomfort before we get there.”
That’s interesting!
I wonder if that’s gonna be just for the expo or if it shall be offered online as well. (maybe by Lulu or something..)
5. Yeah, in fifth panel, there is a sketch of word behind “comms”, isn’t it? …Or it isn’t. Dunno, just saw some weird lines on Virus’ cheek.
Yeah, left a sketch layer in. I’d already caught and fixed it, but forgot to upload the new file. Thanks.
Wait one moment… Spider girl psyon presence + esper power = spider girl image. Our spider frightened… hero? Well he can see the image in real life as no one else can.
Do we have a confirmed presence of a weak low level esper power to our coward? Also considering how many chaos infested hives and encounters… including the beginning pages and his former roommate should we be surprised? Rule of funny adds 10 points to possibility.
Hmm, if that was to be the case, then why did he not pick up on the Bookend’s psychic baggage, when even non-psychics like Janus and Lothar were able to pick up on it.
Perhaps he willfully suppresses any talent he has so as not to be put on esper patrol? After all the three espers we have heard about had their heads go kablooey. How many Espers have that happen to them or just get used up by the Inquisition? In fact the three Espers that we saw did not look very HAPPY in their pics. So if he does have any talent he will suppress it unless his fear of having his head explode is surpassed by his fear of spiders? Or his talent is only geared towards spiders… But of course he could be just imagining things.
Following that trail of thought, what if Eastwood is like Walter Mitty. He used to manage espers, as a metatron, you know like the messenger played by Snape in the movie Dogma, who acts as an intermediary between humans and God becasue if you actually heard the voice of God your head would explo—- anyway someone in middle managment decided his services were as redundant or non existent as a silver bath being used as a developer, stop gap, or fixing agent, and he was demoted or fired without anyone ever telling payroll.
So, are you suggesting the possibility of possession or puppetry jutsu affecting Eastwood in the future…since his fear draws the creature too him like a moth to a flame?
And, I have to question what else the spider intends to do our laser-ponyesque protagonist. Imagine the possibility of Eastwood dressed as Dr.Frankenfurter, riding crop in hand, with a ruby red Maryln Manson wig, and crow/mime makeup, leading an army of cultists. Think of the beautiful nightmares the Exterminatus Now audiences could have with the cosplayers appearing at conventions!
What if it is powered THROUGH fear? As in, it relies on fear to get its “boost” much in the way regular prayer sustains Morth and his ilk. that would make Eastwood her most coveted treasure ever. Upside is, it will probably want Eastwood alive. Downside is, it would then imprison him in a silken cocoon in her nightmare realm, feeding on and cultivating his terrors and phobias in such a way as to make Atlach-Nacha take notes. Or, you know, she just wants to sucks his fluids until he’s dry. Take your pick.
maybe not triggered so much through fear as the spider demon can smell it on Harry, and it having a good time making him LITERALLY jump at LITERALLY his own shadow.
She’s having fun with him. I mean….it’s what I’d be doing :D
so she is courting him?
Yes. And you know how spider courtships end up for the guy.
Hot spider booty, right?
I suspect eddi means it ends with the male being used as food, as with other predatory anthropoidal species such as mantids… she might consume him before the nuptials, but that’s only if she doesn’t like his mating dance. Although, I do suspect Harry already knows the macabre.
Mantises actually generally only consume their mates when stressed. Also geez man, way to take all the fun out of joking around.
I have a tarantula though- having extensively researched them prior to getting one, I can tell you that the male is not always eaten afterwards- it is not uncommon for breeders to get several matings out of a male if they know what they are doing. Male tarantulas die after their first breeding season anyway though- the changes they go in order TO mate also make a molt impossible for them, and tarantulas molt annually to biannually depending on their size. Essentially, the pedipalps become what are colloquially called “boxing gloves” which the male inserts into the female since male spiders don’t have…. well, you know. Also, a few species of tarantula are communal, and one particular species is generally kept communally quite successfully to the point that is the accepted method of keeping this particular species.
I don’t really know anything about spiders beyond what I’ve encountered in documentaries. that’s true for most arthropods actually I just like collecting images of jumping spiders on deviantart because the real ones are smaller then my finger nail. I like images of bees mantids as well. I want to improve my design of an alien insect species I developed for a fantasy story I cooked up many years ago, that exist in a parallel timeline of earth… and evolved from the 200+lbs sea scorpions from 130million years or so. I wanted them to sort of fill the same niche as mammals, so I thought up all the ones I knew that had hair, mantids are just really cool because of body armor, and the idea of evolved species of scorpion bunnies was hilarious in an amusing sort of way.
Well, I think the most poignant piece of this update must be the fact that Eastwood is jumping at what appears to be random visions of his paranoia. The question is, are they really just paranoid delusions? Or is Eastwood really seeing something? Curiouser and curiouser. so can’t wait till it gets further in.
There’s a difference?
Well, yeah Paranoid delusions usually aren’t really there. The fact that he’s paranoid will hide the fact that he might actually being seeing something that really is there, yet only he ca see, hence leading one to believe he may have an overly developed sixth sense. Then again, he could be seeing something that is really there, it just dissapears at the right moment so Virus can’t see it, hence leading everyone to suspect he is crazy when he is not (though he is, just no tin that way) Put short, there there might really be something there and only he is seeing it for some reason. Whether that reason is psychological, metaphysical or mystical is up for debate.
methinks the churches in this world should REALLY get better security
Huh. I’m debating if that’s a statue, or another mark of non-euclidian monstrocities invading.
I’m not sure.
But I am sure that it’s pretty funny to see a guy jump at his own shadow. Well, I think it was his own shadow. It might have been a daemonic hellbeast woman thing too.
Anyone else notice that the hourglass pattern is just like the one seen in Inquisitor Kortez’s lecture here?: http://exterminatusnow.co.uk/2014-01-02/comic/non-storyline/randoms/lunatic-fringe-fest/
His evidence has even got the spider theme going.
I have been wondering…. when the comic first started East had blue eyes Virus had brown eyes, Rogue had greenish, eyes and Lothar had reddish eyes… what happened that they now all have black spots for eyes?
Lazyness. That happened. Also, it’s another drop of artist style. And it did not change – you can see the eyes colour sometimes.
Not often used to be almost every panel their eye were not dilated, now only when its special.
Characters were drawn a lot bigger when there were only four panels. That’s a factor. But definitely art evolution too. I just draw em small and beady rather than big and Sonicky.
Still, if you look very closely at panel 5, Vi has like two pixels of brown in his iris.
I sees
Hey, the story doesn’t call for ‘em; I just see you as paring down what is a little unnecessary to get to the real meat of the drawing (dat emotion, line of action, gesture). Damn your stuff has evolved. xD It’s so polished now too.
Granted, this is probably the first time a church got desecrated for the sole purpose of demon summoning in a long while.
This is pretty cool.
These are interestingly the most wordy Exterminatus pages I think I’ve ever seen. However, Virus knows his stuff, and each panel still reads as its own story panel. I feel like if any other comic artist were doing this, the storytelling of the drawings would be weaker and reliant on the text.
I have a question. You seem like a reasonable person, and creatively intelligent as well. If the only reviews you ever receive pertain to something in general being ugly, nonsensical, incoherent, illogical, random, childish, silly, or stupid. How do you learn to improve the overall product or presentation?
I need specifics, I’m not getting them and any time I’ve asked for a more detailed explanation I usually get blown off.
I’m not particularly concerned with character development because unless they’ve crossed the survival threshold in __one__ particular area, no body really sees it anyway. And, I don’t consider group dynamics and conflict genuine examples of character development, because it’s just fluff.
So I was wondering if you’d consider helping me out if you’re interested. If not, then it’s no real loss.
Hello there. I’m sorry, I didn’t see your message until now. Thank you for the compliments, but here I go reversing them because I’m not quite understanding what you’re asking. I believe you mean you’re getting unhelpful feedback to what I think might be comics you’re creating? I’m actually coincidentally helping someone else out with a similar thing so I’d be perfectly willing to talk with you about story or whatever it is you need. I could not find a way to privately contact you about this as I was looking through your website link, though, so I’m sorry if I missed it.
you ever wonder if Virus keeps some kind of mellowing drug on hand for Harry, Lothar, and Rogue?
I figure he does but he uses it on himself rather than on others.
I seriously think Harry should try decaf sometime
I’m currently restocking my webcomics list after my computer ate it’s OS.
Did you know that when googling for exterminatus now, the second autocomplete entry is “exterminatus now rule 34″?
Just FYI
Really? For me it’s “exterminatus now TV tropes” and “exterminatus now wiki”.
Interesting, on my virginal Firefox those two are ranked fifth and sixth.
But at least now I have the Rule 34 site bookmarked again =P
I’m willing to bet there are comics that are exceptions to that rule. I had to look it up… not nearly as good as I had imagined. Then again, I don’t make porn although I suspect I have a better grasp of anatomy than what I’ve seen. Then again if i was drugged at the time of conception I suppose it could cause a warping effect. Somebody was clearly high on something when they thought that up. Oddly enough, I’ve was more traumatized by pokemon and naruto porn I’ve stumbled upon by accident.
Huh. Mine goes to a specific comic page first.
Honestly, While looking through the net for nightmare fuel I have found no indication of rule 34 being false with the proviso of the required material having a audience. Also: POKEMON PORN. What. The. Hell. I now have a new source of reasons to hate humanity…