Filler: Bookend Book
April 23rd, 2014 |
Sick as a fucking dog the past week, gonna be honest, I didn’t even try to start, just played a shitload of FTL. And the coming weekend is Calgary Expo. Sooo, see you next month? I didn’t even get any new prints done, so that sucked. Did make this though, which turned out alright.
I had no idea some of it was in print already! =3
sorry to hear your sick dude, you have my condolences and my sympathy
FTL for the win, love that game….wasted so much of my life trying to save the federation
Ohhh wow. I want one of those. They look fantastic!
Oooh! so pretty and magazine sized. Wow, I really want it. Is it phone book sized or is that just my imagination?
It measures 7×9 inches.
That isn’t as important for me as the page count. How thick is the spine?
Oh, you thought it was phonebook-thick? No, you’re looking at a stack. It’s a thin, single story, 36 interior pages.
(bumps Erik aside) No, Mine!
(Knocks eddi aside) My money is better! Take it I say!
*throws money at Erik, eddi & Starlight* Go Fetch!
*they scamper off to fight over the wad of cash*
*pulls out Amex Black card* So, about your stocks…
And there’s no copyright issues involved here? I was never entirerly clear on wether or not EN actually used aspects from Warhammer and Sonic or if they just implied it.
I have yet to see a Space Marine, a bolt gun or Goth battle cruisers flying through Hell to reach other planets infested with Eldar and Orks. I’m not hip to Sonic tropes, but I bet it’s the same.
Eddi is correct. There’s nothing. We probably have more in common with Men in Black, Ghostbusters or Hellboy than 40k or Sonic.
Yeah, there’s a bad case of pertussis (whooping cough) going around where I live. Already, 200 students have been sent home from local schools due to risk of exposure.
Whooping cough? That’s an oldie, didn’t we vaccinate that out of existence? Oh wait people are idiots and Jenny McCarthy kills children.
Mine’s just a common chest cold, no easy treatment. Despite every Old Wife spinning me her Tale of a cure everywhere I go.
Only Old Wife’s tale that works is the one that involves liberal amounts of Scotch and a good bed for 12 hours or more a day. :p
Ugh. I’m suffering through a throat cold now, so I know that feel.
Get well soon, or stay well if you are already healthy again.
When I’m not broke, I will likely buy a copy of The Bookend of Unimaginable Power.
Question is where can you get a copy only at the Expo? Or will it be in stores or online?
(pokes head out of the brawl dust cloud) What she said.
Have had a couple inquiries about this. I have a proof on the way from a different printer that provides on-demand ordering. Assuming the quality turns out, it should be trivial to set up.
once I have my own source of income, I shall see about procuring these comics as they are total awesomeness
me to
Your making me wish those where available for sale so I could get them here in the US.
Happy to see you in print. Hope to see all of EN archived in book format someday, maybe even with behind the scenes concept art, alternate storylines, dialogue, y’know that sort or creator commentary. Also, ugh, chest colds are the WORST. Best medicine I ever had for that was Buckley’s. Tastes like liquid Vick’s vaporub going down but by God if it isn’t the fastest working cough syrup I’ve ever had.
*Throws money against screen* I need this! o.O
Also hope you feel better soon, colds can be a b*tch! >.<
OK I have a theory. it’s untested, but the science is valid. Chicken soup, olive leaf extract, colloidal silver (better known as pegan holly water and nearly identical in prep save blessing the salt and the addition of silver), and a tanning bed. Eat some chicken soup with a tall glass of orange juice and a splash of olive leaf extract, then head over to the nearest tanning salon to get dosed with a hit of ultra violet radiation. Then, head over to the local gas/petrol station nuke some burrito’s in a microwave and get the tallest cup of coffee you can, and mix in liberal amounts of honey and irish cream. Then go home take two aspirin and binge watch or power through your favorite tv series. Follow these directions, and you will be on the mend instantaneously. You will recover from everything except mental illness and no one will be the wiser.
So what’s the colloidal silver for?
Should have mixed that in with orange juice. Supposedly it also has antimicrobial properties. I was thinking bombing a cold with a me-day… the spirits of irish cream work wonders as well. I suppose you could bathe in the holy water if you like. I’m sure it will be needed after binge watching something made by J.J. Abrams.
Silver has topical anti-microbial properties. External. Ingesting enough to kill microbes internally would harm you as well. And potentially turn your skin blue.
Vitamin C’s utility as a cold cure is greatly overstated by lay people. The research I’ve read indicates that orange juice has some use as a preventative, but by the time cold symptoms have begun, it’s too late for vitamin C to do much.
Alcohol suppresses the immune system and slows recovery. Not recommended.
Rest and relaxation are the only things with merit. You can pile on a bunch of placebos if you like. But that’s all they are. There’s a saying: treat a cold and it’ll be gone in just one week. Don’t treat it, it might last a whole seven days.