#507 – Glass Half Full
T-SHIRT PURCHASERS: Please check your spam folders! We’re still waiting on one or two payments, so if you haven’t heard from us, please check that your junk filter hasn’t eaten the invoice.
To reiterate:
Thanks for the great turnout on the shirt sales! They are very nearly all gone: just one or two Blasphemy XL/2XLs left. Jessica’s been hard at work invoicing, organising the packages, and shipping em out – thanks hon, you’re the best. They’ve gone out in batches, some of you probably received them already, but we have to apologise for a delay on mailing out larger packets (if you ordered three XLs, two XXLs, or more). We’re supposed to have some larger poly bags coming in the mail, but they still haven’t turned up. Such orders will be shipped as soon as we have something to cram em into.
P.S. Dammit, Chiscringle. You ruined everything. ;)

Well, nice to see Wildfire and Harry get some respect.
Hey, Sebastian’s back!
Dat fistbump.
I was expecting Vitani to be squashed and not trapped, but this is way more funny. Gotta love the impotent little sound effects.
I think I can see some cracks in the plan….
America’s Independence Day was not quite two weeks ago, so it might be a Liberty bell reference…
I prefer the classic poetry parody theory instead….
“Do not ask for whom the bell falls…”
If she can reshape the geography of the temple, though, isn’t it possible she could burrow through the ground. Unless the holy-artifact effect means her abilities are suppressed.
The bell probably is suppressing her power. One of the most potent artifacts of that particular god is probably reverberating his power downward
there’s the possibility that the glass just breaks apart….i mean…it’s made of glass…sooo…there’s that…..
Ah, but if the pieces of a broken artifact retain the artifact’s holiness, that may not help Vitani much.
I mean, being covered in holy glass shards and breathing holy glass dust doesn’t sound fun.
*pick-up a sledgehammer*
Move aside, people. Purely for scientific curiosity, I would like to try something.
Glass can be kinda solid. Of course, Holy glass probably would cause her to burst into flames just by touching it.
Now, the floor, that’s jus
Aww balls. It’s regular stonework.
Yes, but if she tunnels down into that the weight of the bell would no longer be supported either and she’d still be trapped once they both fell to the floor below that.
I’ll be damned. They even called the postcard joke.
Somehow that just makes it even funnier.
I don’t think we’ve ever seen Wildfire look so smug, but she earned it.
To be fair they should take that suggestion up to bat. The bell is holy. The bell can’t be broken by the demon.
The floor is a different subject. A very breakable subject indeed.
Maybe if they work on the postcard plan fast enough they’ll be lucky, but what to use… so, I assume this god of law and order has some giant scroll of dos-and-donts? I can image Harry grabbing a poster sized holy scripture to do it.
I think, Lothar’s tongue must be a bit more… pink?
Awww poor Vitani :)
Well… How holy is the floor?
Doesn’t exactly matter if the bell falls with her.
watching viatani skitter against that bell is far more amusing than it has any right to be XD
Ditto. Plus the tinky sound effects. :)
That image of the princess flailing at the glass bell is adorably hilarious.
Yeah, I can’t figure out what it is that makes her so cute. She’s a man eating daemonic spider for Chrissakes! Why do i want a plushy of her?
ERm… what does “Up top kid” mean?
he ws calling her a kid though the up top thing was for the fist bump ^^
you know she’s going to dig out. they need another plan and quick
Ah, right. Got it. :)
i’ll be honest here guys….
i am glad the spider lady didn’t die, she’s just to much fun/badass badgirl to lose just like that….
personally i see that she might still be able to escape by digging, i guess if you look at it a pokemon way you can say:
“Vitani used Dig!”
“Eastwood used Panic Phobia attack!!”
Also, is the environment looking brighter than usual or is it a sign of another Vitani illusion? An illusion would be rare, but I’m just paranoid I suppose.
i think that’s just the smoke settling… i mean a huge class bell fell to the ground…(i still think the glass is going to break soon)
Good to know it’s just the smoke – otherwise, I fear it would be like Groundhog Day for them.
And yes about the glass breaking. Maybe by the time it does that Vitani would have numerous weapons trained on her. Unless she uses her portal powers that is.
(Fist bump) Bah-a-la-la-la-la.
I have a feeling that the crack in the bell is going to cause a problem but also that she could shrink down and escape only to be trodden under foot and comically moan “this changes nothing”
To Be honest I was not expecting the bell to be hallow for some stupid reason… maybe cause the glass bells I have seen in my life aren’t (cheep things them) or in the last panel of the last page you really can’t see inside so i expected her to be squished not trapped.. so she is trapped…. the floor looks kinda beat up… Query did the bell always have a crack or is that new?
Now, the question becomes, is the consecration of the ground still intact?
I am pretty sure the ground is not an escape option for two reasons. One, we can imagine that the bell is negating her daemon abilities, including unnatural strength and you don’t see “normal” people digging through stone without tools. Two because this image of typical-helpless-spider-in-upturned-glass-Vitani is a perfect ending :)
Okay, NOW I can say “I Can’t Believe that Worked”
Credit where credit is due.
Holy shit, they ACTUALLY saved the day for once through constructive action! No wonder the comic is ending…
Well, there was the destruction of the bell’s yoke… :)
Aw, yeah! Time to take her back to headquarters using the Sanctified Stationary. Really, the best joke had to be told :p
Time for the daemon princess to try to make some deals.
I must request a wallpaper or bonus comic that shows the gang after they find that post card.
Also, “The Long Game” includes not letting a “victory” go to your head, blowing the opportunity at the last minute.
I like the little fistbump between Lothar and Wildfire. Who’d have thought those two, of all people, could have a moment of mutual respect.
I guess anything to get on Rogue’s nerves is acceptable :p
And in their last big epic boss battle and no one got hurt….*looks at the dead guards, monks, cultists, and visitors to the holy site*…..
No one important to US got hurt.
They’ll only need to purge the area with fire. And possible an Exterminatus from orbit, just to be sure.
My T-Shirt arrived yesterday in the post here in the UK. Cannot believe how awesome it is and how quick it came. Thanks guys
You’re welcome! Thank you!
My only regret is not having purchased a shirt when I had the chance. Curse you lack of funding.
Also, loving the look on Wildfire’s face.
I feel your pain.
I just thought of something.
Harry says he got the idea from how he deals with ordinary spiders, but why would he bother with “catch and release” instead of just squashing the spider and then wiping up the splat? His previous shown reactions to spiders have been variations on the theme of “AUGH! KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!”
Phill Jupitus gives two good reasons.
I love Wildfire’s “get some” expression.