#419 – With Extreme Prejudice
I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The people who’ve donated to me and Raye for her permanent leave to remain are so generous and kind it makes me forget I’m a misanthrope. What you’ve given us will greatly help us pay for the Leave to Remain. You’ve done more than enough.
I just wanted to reassure people, nobody would have been kicked out of the country because of this. We could pay for this. It just really helps us and lifts a little bit of the burden and stress associated with it.
If anyone else wants to help, the donate button is there. But don’t give us anything if you don’t want to. Seriously. If that $5 is going to pay for a magazine, a pair of socks, whatever DO NOT GIVE IT TO US. Use it for yourself.
Thank you.

So…I’m gonna bet that’s not gonna stop ol’ Silas. I mean, he just injected GREATER FUCKIN’ DAEMON blood into his own veins. He’s either gonna get up later, or mutate right now and start the murder.
Seven blams from a revolver?
Eastwood’s revolver is chambered for seven shots. Check the cast page.
This allows Eastwood to be dirtier than Dirty Harry. He can ask “Did I fire six shots or only five? Do you feel lucky?” while knowing damn well there’s at least one more round in there.
So basically, East is a prick.
Please tell me you aren’t just now realizing this. ;-)
That’s Lothar you’re talking to, he’d probably swap the last round with a blank for a laugh.
Hell yes. Being a Prick is the ONLY way to be.
That’s not the end, is it? :)
This…seems a bit too easy.
Also there’s still an angry hound somewhere…
Did he just fire seven rounds out of a six round cylinder?
Cast page states 7
Want to know the sad part?
They were like three feet apart, yet of those seven rounds fired…only four hit =P
How can you tell from the back? The only thing you can count is four exit wounds.
Just figured that, if those bullets went through all should`ve… besides I KNOW that Eastwood is a pretty lousy gunman. Remember his [i]warning[/i] shots.
But if you say all rounds hit, then I’ll take your word for it.
Bullets often deform, tumble, fragment and change trajectory when they hit tissue and bone. In fact, bullets that don’t exit tend to cause more damage, because the reason they came to a stop is they dumped all their kinetic energy into tissue. A bullet that goes into a tumble flips end over end, tearing wide, ragged wounds and leaving a chunk of poisonous lead in your body; if you’re gonna get shot, you’d probably prefer it to punch cleanly through and let the wall behind take a share of the damage.
I’ve since learned that .44 magnum rounds rarely fail to exit… especially at that range and with scrawny cartoon torsos.
I do way to much research for a funny animal cartoon strip. I just don’t want us to undermine Eastwood’s moment of badassery. He shot the shit out of that badger, he earned this moment of victory.
i like how you say “this moment”
Am I the only one who read the cast page? And did Morth just pull an Obi-wan?
Well we Now get to see a badger change into a monster dog. I bet he Grows two more heads and they try to betray each other
Why did he fire seven shots if his…
Ha! Jk. Bet you almost threw your computer out the window.
I have a feeling that we have not seen the last of Silas Morth. But I do wonder what will become of him…!
Oh, cool. Just God avatar this time around.
I totally would donate if i wasn’t jobless for about a year now… I have no issues donating to sites like this… it takes a lot of time and money to do something like this =P Keep up the good work guys!
Good job offering Morth as a sacrifice. Wasn’t so bright
so what are the bets eastwood wasnt fast enough? beside having what seems to be a good feeling shooting the living crap out of morth.
Morth actually DID get four sacrifices. The one that was eaten by the Dog of War, the two that Lothar and Eastwood punched in their dynamic entrance… and Morth himself as he injected the blood in. Though I have to say… Morth is an awesome villain, and can’t wait to see what he’ll do next. Given that… well, lucky 7 shots seems anti-climatic. I know it’s a given for this sort of comic, but Morth certainly would have accounted for being shot to death right?
I’m with Destiny on this one.
Odds are, injecting the Ichor was enough to begin the transformation and bring Morth back as a Demon Prince/Greater Demon.
Odds are also good that our favorite team of screwups is going to need a Lothar plan to get out of this alive! I vote “Release the Hound (demon)!”
Yeah… He’s coming back. In one form, or another, he is coming back.
Goddamnit. I just though of Zombie Morth. Don’t do a Zombie Morth storyline!!!! We’ve seen zombies in this comic already!!!!
Now what? Now, LazerKitty needs to cut off his head, Virus needs to paint a protective circle around his body, then Lothar needs to got to work on the carcass. Use the Chainsaw, Luke! Use the Chainsaw!
Just wondering, quietly to myself, if East might be getting an upgrade now that everyone seems to know he’s got seven shots chambered in that revolver…
8 shots? Nice!!
You know what? They do portray Eastwood kind of as the victim because of the abuse throughout his life from Morth. But I think the true victim here is Kevin. His cultists are always being kill by Eastwood and gang.
wheeeee dog god! Woof!
also just noticed how only 4 of the 7 shots pierced Sylas. I guess the extra ammunition made sure that he hit Sylas at least once.
He didn’t miss. From the front, you’d see seven entry wounds, but fewer exit wounds just implies lead lodged in bones and organs.
Yeah… Probably, but I like Calix’s explination better.
Why do I feel like we’ve been here before?
looks like it’s time to see what that dog’s blood (or whatever he got from that dog) will do to Morth… He seemed pretty confident in whatever he did so I’m sure that the bullet show Eastwood put on won’t do much.
Daemonic dog’s blood, yes. Kevin refers to it as “ichor” which was the blood of gods and immortals in Greek mythology.
Anyone else notice Silas did the whole jedi thing of his body vanishing? His cloak just falls tot he ground empty in the 2nd to last panel.
Ah, I’ll clarify: that’s not what that’s supposed to be, he’s meant to’ve just keeled over forward, flat on his face. You can still see his stubby tail poking up.
And his left foot if you look at the bottom left of the panel.
Daemon Prince in 5, 4, 3…
So yeah unless the almighty conspirator and might greater Daemon Kevin lead Silas along just to have him get sacrificed to Kevin, I don’t see Silas dying here.
I hope that the bullets were blessed or silver or something. Because I don’t think anyone wants Dog-Demon Douchebadger. Also, Silas? That’s the blood of a giant stupid Cerberus demon. You sure you wanted giant dumb Cerberus blood in you?
Whoa…that panel with Silas falling forward…
EASTWOOD LOOKED SO BADASS! 8D How did you manage it? XD
…I would have thought that sacrificing yourself was more of a good gods approach…
I really like this ending. Ha ha ha ha.
Well that was anti-climactic….OR IS IT?!
I know he injected demon blood, but I really do hope this is the ending. I would slow clap so hard.
I know, I wrote it, looked it up, and went with it anyway. Must sound good, nobody else has minded, I was totally getting away with it.
Is there a word that fits? “Symbolism” isn’t the right meaning. “Symbolic furnishings” is sort of right, but clunky. We could just assume Morth made it up.
How about just ‘Symbols are’ ?
… Nah, that sounds weird too… ah well, i’ve heard dumber made up words.
Aint that a bit over kill?
There is no overkill.
There is ‘open fire’ and ‘reload’.
Considering their track records, I would hope that Eastwood would get to work on that reloading bit! *grin*
Close air support and friendly fire should be easier to tell apart.
Brute Force: if it isn’t working, you aren’t using enough
As LK once said, “You never hear about some being terminated with MILD prejudice, do you?”
How would you terminate someone mildly? Shooting them with rubber bullets? Slicing them with a nerf sword? Dousing them in gasoline than tossing an unlit match at them? HOW?
Termination is termination, it’s the prejudice that needs to be mild. “Sorry about having to kill you. I’m not a racist, but you know what ‘you people’ are like.”
What virus said.
No whenever I hear the term “extreme prejudice” I’m going to imagine a KKK member doing a sweet 180 noseflip off a ramp.
…Congratulations, that is the singularly most awesome thing i have ever read that involved something racist.
Okay. Yeah. I agree with HalfTangible.
hmm… i know i have a gravatar generated from memebase, i wonder if it would would
Oh, yeah. Shoulda done it three seconds sooner there East. Shoulda done it sooner. I mean, really. He already injected himself. You think gunshot is gona stop him now? Oh, yeah, this is gonna b bad.
Clearly, someone’s a fan of Postal 2. :P