#455 – Cockblocked
July 2nd, 2013 |
Wow it took way too long to think of this title just now. I mean it’s right there. Eastwood’s clockwork attack chicken, first seen in 2006, and reoccurring more recently.
Would’ve been up sooner, but it’s been so hot here in Canada that our igloo melted.
Man, Eastwood, that was a Dick move
(Someday we’ll find out what Virus did, until then I doubt anything’s funnier than what we imagine)
Probably for the best. At least Public Transportation will get them there alive.
Much to Schaefer’s chagrin, I imagine…
Still, though, I suppose a pair of tickets is cheaper than the repairs required after a Virus drive-through, and a bit more low-key to boot. :P
You dont know much about Public Transportation do you?
chances are they breck doen or the train is like 5 hours late.
Unless Meridia is based on Europe, in which case chances are public transportation is actually something that can (OMG) be relied on. As someone who has used public transportation regularly for 4 years, I can attest to that.
Europe includes Britain. I can attest from my experiences with the rail here that trains often run late.
The ASM is Western Europe by way of North America.
Or possibly, something happens on the train that requires a week-long mission, they get back home and go ‘Waitaminute, wasn’t there something we were supposed to be doing before all that happened?’
We already did one fake-out plot with the court case set-up. A red herring within a red herring? It’d be like a fishy turducken.
I got the refference!
And that would be a great plotline that these guys might thwart. Would that be a soulthirster plot then?
ya have to admit, at least the inquisition shells out for first class, better then any other government agency where you would be lucky to ride coach.
The chicken is waiting… Stalking…
I do like the final reveal of Virus’ left hand side, showing off the damage caused by getting too close to Eastwood’s cock.
*takes a big step away*
The thing could poke an eye out if one’s not too careful.
It is one mighty cock
*puts down the chicken I was eating and pushes it away*
I’m about to go TF2 on you, please choose the character I should be, and how I should kill you
like all things I say, that sounded so much better in my head, probably should’ve kept it there
That mighty cock sure slammed Virus hard. I’m surprised he can still walk after being attacked by a cock that big.
I’m going to start wounding you now, I’m not sure when I’ll stop
“PS – Hahaha.” That’s just rubbing it in deeply…
oh, isn’t it the unholy Bookend we can spot on the shelf behind the clockwork cock?
All the souls were dumped out to summon the Hounds of War that are still tearing Morth apart.
Now it’s just a plain old bookend. Sorry, I meant to put this in the previous comment.
Fuck you Eastwood, I hope Godot kicks your ass in the courtroom.
I have the urge to start up the objection thing again… not sure if I should
Always the EYES!!! o.o… just like a good Cyber Chicken should.
HA, I’m the Fernex Toster this time… fitting… >.> I do love tech
Sirus was cock blocked from taking the Specter.
Your Spelling Lesson for today:
It’s S-Y-R-U-S. Not S-I-R-U-S. You don’t even have the excuse for forgetting. IT’S RIGHT THERE IN THE COMIC.
I feel bad mangling two nearly entirely separate fandoms with this, but…
“Go for the eyes, (chicken) Boo!”
I take it that there’s no way to bribe or distract the chicken.
Oh, there might be a way to distract it. But you’d still have to get in front of it to get the keys, and no amount of spyfrogs will be able to distract it while you’re right in front of it.
As for bribing it, I’m still thinking of a solution. Hmmm…. Hmmm…. Blasphemy’s head on a stick? The chicken was made by Eastwood, after all. Or maybe a couple Robot Attack Hens would suffice.
Much preferable, I LIKE Blasphemy.
you could always just set Blasphemy on the chicken, but then you;d have the issue of getting the keys away from Blasphemy…or getting Blasphemy away from the spectre.
They COULD let Blasphemy drive. Considering all the heckling Syrus gets from the last incident of driving, it might be safer… Mildly so, but perhaps…
Well that is the engineer chicken, So I assume even if you get the keys it will turret you to death within a little bit
Am I the only one who gets a kick out of seeing how much the crew’s (bar Lothar) hairstyles have evolved over the years?
Also, Eastwood is such a troll.
Okay someone needs to pitch an attack chicken model to a weapons manufacturing company. Name you price I would buy one.
An attack chic…?
Show of hands and/or paws: Who here thinks Eastwood plays a lot of Zelda games? (Virus should be thankful he wasn’t wearing a green hat.)
I’m actually pretty darn certain that it was based off of WOW, because he states the games only use for all the time he had wasted on it was learning how to make attack chickens
Balls to that, they’re lucky Virus doesn’t wreck the train.
I seriously wish they’d flashback or something to the event that made everyone terrified of the thought of Vi behind the wheel
But then it wouldn’t be a Noodle Incident anymore. Part of what makes that joke funny is that it’s left to our imaginations what Virus could have possibly done that’s so bad that he’d be banned from driving any moving vehicle. With all due respect to the guys who make this comic, I don’t think anything they’d come up with could be anywhere near as good as what we could imagine it to be.
This is the correct answer. Can I just copypasta that next time somebody asks?
Yes you can.
you sir, have a point, I mean, yeah that is funny, but I’m a very curious person, and often like to know the reason behind something (which is why I utterly despise zombie movies, no explanation behind the undead invasion)
What about Resident Evil? hmmm?
I don’t think I saw that one, never cared to, really, couldn’t be arsed. ‘sides, not really a fan of the horror genre, on account of me being squeamish as hell. Though, because it interests me, I might go see the movie “Entity” coming out on the 13th, it’s a movie about the Slender Man
Your squeamish and yet you watch zombie movies… Am i the ONLY one who finds that funny
I never said I watched Zombie movies, unfortunately my parents and brother love zombie stuff (IE the walking dead) and shit like that, so I’m forced to suffer through them
Now I want to build something like that JUST on the off-chance that I can leave and dare someone to retrieve the keys….
How to get to drive the Spectra in 3 easy steps.
1. Retrieve Virus’ 9mm glock
2. Turn mecha-chicken into a mecha-poultry dinner with said 9mm
3. Grab keys from the twitching remains, and fly all the way to the mission site, laughing.
Or just throw Blasphemy at it…
…or Skippy, it’s not like Virus had no pets of mass-destruction..
They’d probably team up somehow. This is an unseen sealed hazard and a creature that helped Loth set Virus’ room on fire, right? May as well throw the toaster at it and hope it doesn’t turn into a Fernex abomination.
I think it was eastwood’s room that was set on fire, not Virus’
What about Resident Evil?!?
Goits! I’m surrounded by goits!
With all the funny I’ve been reading today, I got to this page and laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe and almost passed out.
Eastwood you wanker!
Man, that chicken has shown up a lot lately. Whatever happened to Blasphemy? Haven’t seen him in ages.
Good to see the attack Chicken getting more screen time : D