Yeah, you’re right. I guess I’m just so excited for updates that I get this delusioned sense of time. It feels longer than usual when I’m waiting for things I like. :)
So that all being said, funny thing! Next comic’s super delayed because of working on convention related things! Might end up 3-4 after all. So, oops? Sorry.
“Capable of making a raid without murdering all the potential detainees” ?
Let’s see… the Black Halo facility was wiped out of existence, that research center in Rodina was Exterminatus-ed, Morth’s castle was turned to rubbles, the antelope suspect got bolognese-d, the shotgun iguana was stomped, etc…
… I think necromancy is an option Sebastian should reasonnably really look into at this point.
Why not just ask a “Mortician” to help? I’m sure some of those Mortish angels would be willing to bring the dead back for a question or two. Provided you fed them the right story, anyway.
To be honest, none of those were really their fault the possible detainees died, other than the Exterminatus, and that had to be done to stop the daemons. Black Halo facility was all Wildfire, the antelope suspect got run over by a truck, the iguana got killed by gargoyle, and Morth was the one who brought down the castle.
I’m more into the sun tsu and triplet model of group dynamics where it’s basically the same regardless of size or composition since there are five basic personality types and organization counts for quality. Other than the 50 basic social skills both genders attain by adolescence, and besides the closed room argument that women become more territorial when given more space, and men become more territorial when given less space; I see no reason why the dynamics would be that different…
Although I’m pretty sure the pillow fights, rumored cosplay, sexual experimentation, and horror movie marathons, among women when they get together are amazing friendship and team building exercises. I freely admit I want to see such things, along with girls jumping on trampolines, explosions, giant robots, and the playboy mansion. In fact, I request that the authors of this comic consider putting this in Exterminatus Now for the ladies.
If it’s way to easy to enlighten us about the differences in team spirit among women vs men then rest assured inquiring minds want to know… She Spies and Charlie’s Angels have clearly taught us nothing.
I’ll admit: I have no clue what that means. 50 social skills? 5 basic personality types? What? Closed room argument?
I am not enlightened.
I understood the part of pillowfights, cosplay, sex, horror movies, etc though. Honestly I wanna see lothar and Virus doing more things that could accidentally be seen as sexual. (Lothat x Virus forever!)
I assume you didn’t think that sentence all the way through before posting it, because if you intended to say what you said you about to hit a metaphorical hornets nest with a metaphorical cricket bat.
I like the idea that Sebastian might have had feathers like a real raptor at some point and that he just pulled them out in frustration over his teammates’ behavior.
I know that I can see Harry in the second (3rd and 4th) panel, but he kind of just disappears after that. And, when did virus regroup with the others? I somehow missed him getting his clothes back on. . . shouldn’t he just be wearing a flag, or a bed sheet, toga, or something from the gift shop like a towel? I mean is this guy a clone, a tar baby (silk baby?), some sort of illusionary puppet wearing his threads!?
Even Harry in those panels was a late addition. If they don’t have dialogue, I avoid drawing em. But it looked he’d never boarded, had to address that.
Considering how completely unable to process the most basic information she was before, it’s still a step up from what I expected of her. That, or snark from her new teammates is just rubbing off on her.
She recognized when Eastwood was hitting on her, shortly after they met. And she did get the occasional moment of snark in while filling Rogue’s spot on the team… My guess is she’s more confident now. I consider that to be a very bad thing, given her skillset.
Something tells me Nadia doesn’t have a “Social” mode, Leyana doesn’t care what’s going on as long as she’s getting paid or causing havoc, Wildfire is definitely still sore about the cast, and Sebastion is probably the “friendliest” of them all
Yeah, I’m getting a Venture Bros. vibe from the comic, where you see a typical trope, but it gets deconstructed the more you see it. I can see Nadia and Leyana being unable to live normally because of their devotion to their jobs unlike Seb and Wildfire, who we’ve seen interacting with people before. Heck, while early strips have confirmed that Eastwood’s had a girlfriend and even sex in the past, I can totally see Nadia never having either, and the frustration just adds to her aggression.
Yeah, and now she’s kinda past the point of no return with that, I mean they say never stick your dick in crazy, but I’m terrified to imagine what having relations with her would be like
Assuming she doesn’t have a breakdown of some kind and latch onto the nearest person she can get. It might be a guy unless she’s got that much repressed desire inside her.
I don’t know, since Lothar was cloned, I doubt she considers him a real person. Not to mention the look on Rogue’s face makes me wonder what that greeting translates to. I’m guessing she’s the book’s take on religious fanatics.
It was a polite, rather formal greeting, in perfectly enunciated Taikan. Rogue was just caught off guard to get such a respectful tone, from an apparently fluent speaker. Not something he’s used to in his inquisitorial career.
I’d have to imagine every merc knows Hex, by reputation if nothing else. “Cyborg/echidna? Lothar.” “Murderous bastard cloned from a dead species? Lothar.”
I recently discovered the technique of laddering questions, so I apologize if this seems like I’m trolling you. However, since there is more than enough reference material available for me to mimic the line art of this comic with some perfunctory skill, and because I am clearly bored and in want of attention, I want to know what has piqued your interest about those particular ladies, Lothar, Virus, and to some lesser extent the OTP’ you chose and why.
Granted, I’m not proposing to create anything too provocative for someone over the age of 13 in the United States (( I understand opinions of violence and sexuality differ depending on region and cultural upbringing so Gremlins PG 13 or Little Miss Sunshine R would work for a relative comparison level)) However, in order to create I need a few pieces of information from you.
1) I need to know what is important about the characters in your opinion.
2) I need to know what it is about those particular couples that interest you
3) I need to know what sort of social or psychological impact you are expecting from the work in general.
4) finally, I need to know what sort of fetish or obsession you find culturally acceptable.
In fairness, most of the time the main cast isn’t TRYING to kill everything, and occasionally they do bag people alive (those necromancer teens, for instance)… and we’ve never seen the C-Team do anything other than a massacre.
On the upside, Eastwood and company can avoid massacring everyone. On the downside, Virus might take them home as a pet or jump into bed with them..
I never saw Virus as the ladies man, I call pure fluke on that part (or gormlessness) :P
He did take a whole class just because the teacher was hot. I just figured he doesn’t try as hard as Eastwood.
Is there going to be another comic out soon? How often are they posted? Sorry, I’m new.
I think comics are once every 3- 4 weeks.
Thanks! I just powered through all of them in about a week, so having to wait now is going to drive me nuts XD
Hey, 3-4 weeks is a bit of an exaggeration… Lately it’s been around 1.5-2.5 weeks, which is long enough as it is.
Thanks for reading!
Of course! I love this comic!
Yeah, you’re right. I guess I’m just so excited for updates that I get this delusioned sense of time. It feels longer than usual when I’m waiting for things I like. :)
Ha, okay, well I appreciate that.
So that all being said, funny thing! Next comic’s super delayed because of working on convention related things! Might end up 3-4 after all. So, oops? Sorry.
Time for myself to get lost in the archives again~! *dives in*
I binge read the entire comic in three days,so waiting this long for a new one is hard. But I shall survive
“Capable of making a raid without murdering all the potential detainees” ?
Let’s see… the Black Halo facility was wiped out of existence, that research center in Rodina was Exterminatus-ed, Morth’s castle was turned to rubbles, the antelope suspect got bolognese-d, the shotgun iguana was stomped, etc…
… I think necromancy is an option Sebastian should reasonnably really look into at this point.
Not necessarily. They could try using a Ouija board.
Why not just ask a “Mortician” to help? I’m sure some of those Mortish angels would be willing to bring the dead back for a question or two. Provided you fed them the right story, anyway.
Syllabification: nec·ro·man·cy
Pronunciation: /ˈnekrəˌmansē
Definition of necromancy in English:
The supposed practice of communicating with the dead, especially in order to predict the future.
Yeah, pretty sure a Ouija board would count.
And yes, I’m aware that this comment makes me a nitpicking smartass.
They need one of Piffany’s calling cards.
To be honest, none of those were really their fault the possible detainees died, other than the Exterminatus, and that had to be done to stop the daemons. Black Halo facility was all Wildfire, the antelope suspect got run over by a truck, the iguana got killed by gargoyle, and Morth was the one who brought down the castle.
Interestingly, how do things work out in Sebastian’s team? There are only ladies after all…
Not sure what you mean by “work out.” What does the fact that the team is 3/4ths women have to do with anything?
I can think of a few ways, but I’m not that sexist. And it’d be too easy anyway.
I’m more into the sun tsu and triplet model of group dynamics where it’s basically the same regardless of size or composition since there are five basic personality types and organization counts for quality. Other than the 50 basic social skills both genders attain by adolescence, and besides the closed room argument that women become more territorial when given more space, and men become more territorial when given less space; I see no reason why the dynamics would be that different…
Although I’m pretty sure the pillow fights, rumored cosplay, sexual experimentation, and horror movie marathons, among women when they get together are amazing friendship and team building exercises. I freely admit I want to see such things, along with girls jumping on trampolines, explosions, giant robots, and the playboy mansion. In fact, I request that the authors of this comic consider putting this in Exterminatus Now for the ladies.
If it’s way to easy to enlighten us about the differences in team spirit among women vs men then rest assured inquiring minds want to know… She Spies and Charlie’s Angels have clearly taught us nothing.
I’ll admit: I have no clue what that means. 50 social skills? 5 basic personality types? What? Closed room argument?
I am not enlightened.
I understood the part of pillowfights, cosplay, sex, horror movies, etc though. Honestly I wanna see lothar and Virus doing more things that could accidentally be seen as sexual. (Lothat x Virus forever!)
I assume you didn’t think that sentence all the way through before posting it, because if you intended to say what you said you about to hit a metaphorical hornets nest with a metaphorical cricket bat.
Meh, relax. I think that poor sod means he wants more fan service.
Ah, say no more, say no more, wink wink, nudge nudge!
I like the idea that Sebastian might have had feathers like a real raptor at some point and that he just pulled them out in frustration over his teammates’ behavior.
With this crew? I can definitely see that.
Wow! still only four comments after an hour.
I know that I can see Harry in the second (3rd and 4th) panel, but he kind of just disappears after that. And, when did virus regroup with the others? I somehow missed him getting his clothes back on. . . shouldn’t he just be wearing a flag, or a bed sheet, toga, or something from the gift shop like a towel? I mean is this guy a clone, a tar baby (silk baby?), some sort of illusionary puppet wearing his threads!?
I mean, we know he had his jacket and underpants but everything else had to have been harvested in a blind run.
Even Harry in those panels was a late addition. If they don’t have dialogue, I avoid drawing em. But it looked he’d never boarded, had to address that.
Virus regrouped in this comic:
It seems Wildfire is still sore about that incident. Wow, I did not think she was CAPABLE of holding a grudge.
To be honest if I was unable to move for a month I’d kinda be pissed off slightly, so yeah I think she would be justified if she held a grudge
Considering how completely unable to process the most basic information she was before, it’s still a step up from what I expected of her. That, or snark from her new teammates is just rubbing off on her.
She recognized when Eastwood was hitting on her, shortly after they met. And she did get the occasional moment of snark in while filling Rogue’s spot on the team… My guess is she’s more confident now. I consider that to be a very bad thing, given her skillset.
Having an artillery teammate also a flier must be handy. On the off chance that they don’t just demolish everything, maneuverability is a good trait.
The name similarity to a sports minister interests me, but it looks like a coincidence.
And now comes the explanation that’s likely to have Nadia wishing yet again that she’d gotten a different assignment.
I just got Lothar’s joke. Nice work boys, nice work.
Hahaha, no they are NOT.
oh boy…when they find out what virus did…i wonder how those ladies will take it….probably will freak out…
Something tells me Nadia doesn’t have a “Social” mode, Leyana doesn’t care what’s going on as long as she’s getting paid or causing havoc, Wildfire is definitely still sore about the cast, and Sebastion is probably the “friendliest” of them all
Yeah, I’m getting a Venture Bros. vibe from the comic, where you see a typical trope, but it gets deconstructed the more you see it. I can see Nadia and Leyana being unable to live normally because of their devotion to their jobs unlike Seb and Wildfire, who we’ve seen interacting with people before. Heck, while early strips have confirmed that Eastwood’s had a girlfriend and even sex in the past, I can totally see Nadia never having either, and the frustration just adds to her aggression.
Yeah, and now she’s kinda past the point of no return with that, I mean they say never stick your dick in crazy, but I’m terrified to imagine what having relations with her would be like
Assuming she doesn’t have a breakdown of some kind and latch onto the nearest person she can get. It might be a guy unless she’s got that much repressed desire inside her.
Dude, I don’t think she’d latch, she would likely pin them down or kidnap them, seriously, I can imagine her scaring off any date she actually goes on
Seb is one of my favourites. Dude cracks me up.
I’m liking Nadia more and more. Love the confident and assertive look in her eyes. She knows what she’s doing. Also digging Leyana as well. :)
For some reason with the going in guns blazing for the fun and homicidalness of it attitude I imagine Lothar and Nadia will get on well
I don’t know, since Lothar was cloned, I doubt she considers him a real person. Not to mention the look on Rogue’s face makes me wonder what that greeting translates to. I’m guessing she’s the book’s take on religious fanatics.
It was a polite, rather formal greeting, in perfectly enunciated Taikan. Rogue was just caught off guard to get such a respectful tone, from an apparently fluent speaker. Not something he’s used to in his inquisitorial career.
Wait no I ballsed up there, I meant leyana, bee/wasp girl thingy
Bleh might make more sense now what I said before in context
So what’s the odds something wretchedly horrible is about to happen?
I’m not taking the other side of THAT bet.
Is it just me, or can anybody else picture homicidal echidna and dakka wasp getting on like an…everything else on fire?
She does seem to be giving Loth a look in panel 6, so maybe???
They probably know each other from the Cesspool.
Or at the very least she’s heard of the cyborg echidna that the Cesspool’s owner adopted.
I’d have to imagine every merc knows Hex, by reputation if nothing else. “Cyborg/echidna? Lothar.” “Murderous bastard cloned from a dead species? Lothar.”
Another illusion. No help is coming.
Well I would like to see some fan-art with Lothar and Leyna and Virus with Nadia.I mean
I recently discovered the technique of laddering questions, so I apologize if this seems like I’m trolling you. However, since there is more than enough reference material available for me to mimic the line art of this comic with some perfunctory skill, and because I am clearly bored and in want of attention, I want to know what has piqued your interest about those particular ladies, Lothar, Virus, and to some lesser extent the OTP’ you chose and why.
Granted, I’m not proposing to create anything too provocative for someone over the age of 13 in the United States (( I understand opinions of violence and sexuality differ depending on region and cultural upbringing so Gremlins PG 13 or Little Miss Sunshine R would work for a relative comparison level)) However, in order to create I need a few pieces of information from you.
1) I need to know what is important about the characters in your opinion.
2) I need to know what it is about those particular couples that interest you
3) I need to know what sort of social or psychological impact you are expecting from the work in general.
4) finally, I need to know what sort of fetish or obsession you find culturally acceptable.
I can assure you, regardless of your answers, I will make it creepy and weird.
haha leave one alive? your funny man. oh man I needed a good old laugh……. wait.
your not kidding are you? Oo
In fairness, most of the time the main cast isn’t TRYING to kill everything, and occasionally they do bag people alive (those necromancer teens, for instance)… and we’ve never seen the C-Team do anything other than a massacre.
Good ole Seb, always expecting the impossible from his fellow inquisitors…
Hope springs eternal.
I’m betting “Shuron da kai” will be an inside joke for EN fans.
Huzzah I finally caught up to the latest comic! Cannot wait to see some demon action.